This is a project that tests our knowledge to write and deploy a decentralized application on an Ethereum test network -- Rinkeby. This Dapp allows you to register and look up a star.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
The following packages are required:
You can clone/fork this repo and install all required packages by running npm install
Go to terminal and start Ganache-cli:
ganache-cli --mnemonic ...
Please note that I run this command with a flag of mnemonic so I can access the same addressess everytime
In another terminal window, run the truffle test:
cd ~/smart_contracts
truffle test
You should see a similar result as mine:
With all tests passed, we can now deploy this smart contract on a public test network. In this case, we use Rinkeby.
At first, we need to compile the contract using truffle:
truffle compile
Secondly, we need to run a deploy command:
truffle deploy --network rinkeby
If deployed successfully, you should see a similar result as mine:
In my case, my Star Notary is deployed at
Contract Address: 0xd56eccb93995c35159921044a64683531d85c0d2
Transaction ID: 0x79e39a2001bd4c98b25680cd7f4f0855d8048a6c6083f7582266e2f0134410b3
You can see more details about this contract using Etherscan (Rinkeby version):
You can interact with this contract using a simple website. In your terminal, start the http-server
cd <Project folder>
There are two links, and I personally use the second one:
After you open this website on your browser, you should see:
Then you can interact with the website (make sure you log on the Metamask at first!), as shown below:
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details