這裡記錄了很多有用且有趣的文章和影片,也是我的學習歷程,很感謝這些開發者貢獻良好的內容於社群,讓我成長很多。分享出來,希望大家跟我一起享受當一個 Flutter 開發者,我們一起讓它更強大吧!
There are many useful and interesting resources here, which is my study process. I am very grateful to these developers for contributing good content to the community, which has made me grow a lot. I hope you can enjoy being a Flutter developer with me, let's make it stronger together!
- How to Improve Flutter Performance
- Tips, Tricks and Tools: Flutter Performance | Gordon Hayes - FlutterVikings
- 《淘特 Flutter 性能优化实践》童阳升(笙野)
- Why is Flutter Fast? — Part 1: Sublinear Building
- A pragmatic guide to BuildContext in Flutter
- Tree surgery
- How Stateful Widgets Are Used Best - Flutter Widgets 101 Ep. 2
- Craig Labenz - Lifecycle Of A Widget
- Draw undrawable with your custom RenderBox! | FlutterVikings 2022
- How to Improve Flutter Performance
- 社区说 | Flutter 开发需要知道的那些事
- Flutter Riverpod 2.0: The Ultimate Guide
- Riverpod Data Caching and Providers Lifecycle: Full Guide
- Riverpod - ConsumerWidget and ConsumerStatefulWidget
- How to Auto-Generate your Providers with Flutter Riverpod Generator
- How to Unit Test AsyncNotifier Subclasses with Riverpod 2.0 in Flutter
- How to handle loading and error states with StateNotifier & AsyncValue in Flutter
- Flutter Riverpod: A Guide to Provider
- Flutter Riverpod: StateProvider, StateNotifier, StateNotifierProvider, FutureProvider, StreamProvider
- Simplify Flutter state management with Riverpod
- Flutter Riverpod State Management Explained
- Flutter Riverpod Filters
- Flutter Riverpod: How to Register a Listener during App Startup
- How to start using Riverpod, StateNotifier and Freezed in your Flutter applications.
- Write best performance ListView with Riverpod in Flutter
- How to Navigate Without Context with GoRouter and Riverpod in Flutter
- Master Riverpod even if you are a flutter newbie
- Reduce your server cost with Riverpod
- Flutter状态管理之Riverpod
- Flutter Riverpod 輕鬆學,簡單處理狀態管理!
- Flutter Riverpod 輕鬆學(二),一些進階用法!
- Riverpod 2.0 - Remi Rousselet | FlutterVikings 2022
- Riverpod 2.x Course for Flutter Developers - Go From Beginner to Advanced in 17 Hours
- Riverpod Last Stable Version
- Coding Riverpod with creator of #Riverpod, Remi Rousselet
- Code a Twitter Clone with Flutter, Appwrite, Riverpod | Full Tutorial for Beginners to Advanced
- vandadnp/youtube-riverpodcourse-public
- zh6/flutter_plus
- MarcusNg/flutter_shopping_list
- antonio-nicolau/flutter-riverpod-example-with-solid-principles
- RivaanRanawat/flutter_twitter_clone
- Why is Flutter Fast? — Part 3: Rendering Pipeline
- Exploration of the Flutter Rendering Mechanism from Architecture to Source Code
- Lazy Flutter performance | Session
- Food or Restaurant App - Main Page | Flutter
- Flutter Tutorial: Sticky Header animado - Tabs sincronizados
- Marcin Szałek - Flutter: scroll to perfection - Flutter Warsaw #15
- From Motion Design Specs To Flutter Code | Cagatay Ulusoy - FlutterVikings
- Animations in Flutter - Flying High with Flutter #88
- Flutter Animations - AnimationController - Floating Balloon Animation
- Flutter AnimatedBuilder and Transform - Learn the Basics of Animations in Flutter
- Flutter Chained Animations, Curves and Clippers - Learn About Chained Explicit Animations in Flutter
- 3D Animations in Flutter - Learn How to Stack and Rotate Widgets for a 3D Effect in Flutter
- Flutter Forward - Making UI Animation Easy & Fun
- Implementing complex UI with Flutter - Marcin Szałek | Flutter Europe
- Prototyping beautiful designs with Flutter
- 「社区说」《一起聊聊 Flutter 动画》
- Gesture Arena | Decoding Flutter
- Guillaume Diallo-Mulliez - Understanding Flutter's handling of Gestures
- Waleed Rashed - Spice up your Flutter apps with Shortcuts & Actions
- Shortcuts (Widget of the Week)
- Action (Widget of the Week)
- Isolates and Event Loops - Flutter in Focus
- Thomas Burkhart - Parallel Beauty - with Isolates into the Mandelbrot set
- Better isolate management with Isolate.run()
- Introducing background isolate channels
- Assertions In Dart And Flutter Tests: An (Almost) Ultimate Cheat Sheet
- Assertions In Dart And Flutter Tests: An (Now For Sure) Ultimate Cheat Sheet
- Assertions in Dart and Flutter tests: an ultimate cheat sheet
- Alicja Ogonowska - Let's test the full widget tree!
- How to write effective Flutter and Dart tests | Flutter Forward
- Add physics to your Flutter app
- Real-Time Games with Dart - Dominik Roszkowski, Felix Angelov :: Flutter Forward #FlutterForward
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 1: Introduction & Installation
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 2: Flutter Inspector
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 3: App Size Tool
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 4: Network View
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 5: Logging View
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 6: CPU Profiler View
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 7: Memory View
- Mastering Dart & Flutter DevTools — Part 8: Performance View
- Publish to App Store Connect with Codemagic’s Apple Developer Portal integration
- How to build and distribute iOS apps without Mac with Flutter & Codemagic
- You can star and share with other developers if you feel good and learn something from this repository.
- If you have some ideas, please discuss them with me or commit PR.