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module skeleton icon

Start your module here

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license conventional commits lerna

Getting started

module-skeleton is a easiest way to start your single/multi package module. Fully integrated flow with lerna, travis, conventional-commit etc.

Check out github pages for documentation and details.


[there the place for OVERVIEW dateils..]

[please fill it for your module]


  • As a first step clone this repo:
git clone
  • As a second step change configuration for next tools:
/* package.json */
  "name": "module-skeleton",
  "version": "0.1.0",      
  "description": "Module skeleton | Start your module here",
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": ""
  "author": "Ciklum Digital / JS Team",
/* lerna.json */
  "changelog": {
    "repo": "ciklum-digital/module-skeleton",
<!-- docs/index.html -->

  <title>Module skeleton | Start your module here</title>
  <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="assets/images/favicon.png"> 
  <meta name="description" content="Easy start with new module | Rich module set up configuration | Best practices support">
  <meta name="keywords" content="module, skeleton, module-skeleton, github, travis, lerna, semantic-release">
  <meta name="og:url" content="">
  <meta name="og:title" content="Module skeleton | Start your module here">
  <meta name="og:description" content="Easy start with new module | Rich module set up configuration | Best practices support">
  <meta name="og:image" content="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles.css" />
/* docs/index.html */

window.$docsify = {                                                                                                     
  homepage: '',
  repo: '',
  alias: {
    '/.*/': '/',
    '.*?/CODE_OF_CONDUCT': '',
    '.*?/CONTRIBUTING': '',
    '.*?/CHANGELOG': '',
  ga: 'UA-142493578-1', // add app to google analytics 
  • As a third step add travis to your repo in TravisCI


[there the place for API dateils..]

[please fill it for your module]


[there the place for EXAMPLES dateils..]

[please fill it for your module]


Any questions?, conduct us directly via Slack