This is an Arduino library to control the Nanoshield_IMU. This nanoshield is composed of LSM303D and L3GD20H CIs, from ST Microeletronics.
- Source code:
- Documentation:
- Reference board: IMU Nanoshield from Circuitar
Library features include:
- Acceleration measure (accelerometer)
- Angular speed measure (gyroscope)
- Magnetic field measure (magnetometer)
- Read calibrated magnetometer
- North heading angle
- Set interruption from IMU
- Accelerometer buffered reading
- Interruption to custom specific movements
To install, just click Download ZIP and install it using Sketch > Include Library... > Add .ZIP Library in the Arduino IDE.
The following examples are provided:
- DataReadyInterruption Data ready interruption from accelerometer and magnetometer.
- FifoMode Producer/Consumer example using LSM303D internal buffer and buffer interruptions.
- ImuTest Simple IMU test reading all available measures.
- InterruptGenerator Specify and bound custom movement interruptions.
- mcalib Use with mcalib chrome app to find magnetometer calibration factors.
Copyright (c) 2015 Circuitar All rights reserved.
This software is released under an MIT license. See the attached LICENSE file for details.