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Team Information

Chris Cirefice edited this page Sep 7, 2016 · 15 revisions

Team Overview

Below we have each team member with some basic information about them.

Note: Our primary line of communication is our private Slack team. We use this for short discussions, quick reminders, etc. that one might send through a text message. Longer discussions are always handled via weekly group meetings, and any updates to those discussions are always posted on the relevant Github Issue. Thus, we have no reason to expose our neither our phone numbers nor email addresses to the entirety of the internet.

Chris Cirefice

Chris Cirefice

About Me:

I'm a Computer Science and French double-major, with a minor in Applied Linguistics. I'm also studying Japanese and soon, Russian. I'm particularly interested in natural language syntax and morphology, and plan to pursue a PhD in Computational Linguistics after a few years of teaching English in France and Japan.

In my free time, I enjoy playing piano, guitar and singing, writing my own music, as well as cooking and playing tennis. There's also some time spent playing video games such as Smite and Overwatch.

My strengths include:

  • Ruby (and Ruby on Rails)
  • SQL (PostgreSQL/MySQL)
  • Java (and Android)
  • JavaScript (and Node.js/Google Apps Script)
  • HTML (and Jade/Slim)
  • CSS (and Bootstrap)

and am particularly interested in Ruby on Rails and databases (but namely PostgreSQL), specifically for the purpose of building RESTful APIs.

My weaknesses include:

  • user interface design (UX)
  • functional languages

and am not especially interested in UX, as much as I tell myself "but I want to make that screen pretty..."

Mitchell Couturier

Mitchell Couturier

About Me:

I am a Computer Science Major, and am in my fourth year at GVSU. I am very eager to learning new skills, so this major was a perfect fit for me considering there seems to be an endless amount of things to learn. Once I graduate in Fall 2017, I would like to move out of Michigan and find a job where I can work with either front-end design or game development.

In addition to my interest in software development, I am also very interested in both film and music, particularly singing. I am currently the President of an A Cappella group at GVSU called "GV GrooVe!", and am very involved with it during the academic year.

My strengths include:

  • Object-Oriented Progamming (Mainly Java / C#)
  • SQL and Database Management
  • User Interface Design

My weaknesses include:

  • Mobile Development
  • Web Development

Nathan Anderle

Nathan Anderle

About me:

After short bouts of being both Engineering and Geography majors, I decided to become a Computer Science major at GVSU. This decision was made because, at the end of the day, I love building things and figuring out how stuff works, but not necessarily all of the red tape that comes with being a "traditional" engineer. I don't particularly like the thought of not being able to recompile a suspension bridge after finding an error in it!

My interests are broad and varied, which is another reason why I chose Computer Science - it's a discipline that allows for one to pursue a wide range of interests. I enjoy backpacking, anthropology, guitar, carpentry, and gaming as well as learning new skills in general. If there's something I don't know how to do, make, or build, I want to know how it's done.

My strengths include:

  • The OO Paradigm (Java, C++, CM)
  • System Level Programming (C)
  • Python
  • AI Concepts
  • Learning new frameworks/languages

My weaknesses include:

  • Web Application Programming
  • Databases
  • Mobile development

Spencer Amann

Spencer Amann

About Me:

This is my last year at GVSU. I have been the President of the Computing Club for the past year, where I aim to bring more knowledge and connections to the students of GV. After I graduate, I would like to be a software engineer in a place that sees no snow. I also have plans to step foot on every continent.

I like cycling, wood carving, skateboarding, hiking, writing, and playing cards.

My strengths include:

  • Java
  • Swift
  • Python
  • C
  • UX Design/Development
  • Mobile development
  • Git

My weaknesses include:

  • Database management
  • Web development

Trevor Massengill

Trevor Massengill

About Me:

This is my last semester at GVSU, I have no plans for pursuing further education at this time.

I am not certain what I would like to do after graduation, I find a great many topics interesting and could see myself working in many different fields, as long as the company and team are reliable and friendly. However, I do know that I would not like to work with security systems or database maintenance.

I like gaming, writing, coming up with new ideas for programs as well as how to improve things in my free time.

My strengths include:

  • Java
  • C++
  • JavaScript (CSS, HTML)
  • Python
  • Artificial Intelligence Concepts

My weaknesses include:

  • Data Comm concepts
  • C
  • Git (version control)