This basic block of code allows to run your program indefinitely:
basic.forever(function () {
// your code will be here!
This is helpful if you want to continue doing different things, like flashing a light or make a robot go in a particular direction.
basic.forever(function () {
// these are variables
let name = "Doggo"
let friend = "Alex"
// this is an event definition
// function(){} is a called an anonymous function
// it is basically a piece of code that runs when certain event fires
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
// this is another event
// events occur independently of your program flow
// imagine your friend calling you unexpectedly:
// that is an event
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {
// this is a function that accepts an argument
function meet(person: string) {
// the dog would only greet a friend
if (person === friend) {
basic.showString("Hi " + person)
// and it would be hostile to somebody it doesn't know
else {
basic.forever(function () {