ClaimsKG Statistical Observatory is an interface for ClaimsKG statistics exploration. It is made with a Flask application and use the plotly library to render dynamic interactive graphs.
For a presentation of this project you can take a look at ClaimsKG_Statistical_Observatory_Report. For perspectives and what to do next prefere look at Perspectives.
The application is the file and you can run it with:
flask run
By default in development mode it will run on http://localhost:8080/
At first run or in case of updates in the ClaimsKG graph, you must generate the dataframes csv files which are used as data source to feed the application.
You simply need to run the
script to generate the dataframes. This process can take up to 3-4 hours.
The version of Python is 3.6.
Before running the application you can use the pip package manager to install the requirements :
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
The requirements file has been generated with the pipreqs command:
pipreqs /path/to/project
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 license
A docker version is provided for convenience.
To build use docker build . -t claimskg-statistical-observatory
To run use docker run -p HOSTPORT:8080 claimskg-statistical-observatory
. Replace host port by the actual port you want to bind locally on the server.
The route prefix is set at the beginning of in the prefix variable. If you wish to change the prefix you will need to change it there. The default prefix is /claimskg/observatory
The current version only deploys a DEMO server running directly with flask as opposed to using a WSGI application server, possible security risks.
After running the container, please regenerate the dataframes, you may do so directly in the docker container using docker exec:
docker exec container_id /usr/bin/python /app/