Lambda function code to index files in S3 buckets by creating filehandles on Synapse, triggered by file changes to S3.
Confirm center onboarding steps are complete, and a Synapse project has been created to which the bucket will be synced.
Run pipenv install --dev
to install both production and development
requirements, and pipenv shell
to activate the virtual environment. For more
information see the pipenv docs.
After activating the virtual environment, run pre-commit install
to install
the pre-commit git hook.
Create an AWS KMS key to encrypt secure strings.
Create a sceptre s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml file used to deploy cloudformation template s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml:
template_path: "s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml"
stack_name: "s3-synapse-sync-kms-key"
Department: "CompOnc"
Project: "HTAN"
OwnerEmail: ""
Note: You may need to add your user ARN to the policy principal in the cloudformation template.
Deploy the stack using sceptre:
sceptre --var "profile=my-profile" --var "region=us-east-1" launch prod/s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml
Add two SecureString parameters containing Synapse credentials to SSM Parameter Store
Parameter Name | Value | Type |
/HTAN/SynapseSync/username |
Synapse service account username | SecureString |
/HTAN/SynapseSync/apiKey |
Synapse service account API Key | SecureString |
aws ssm put-parameter \
--name /HTAN/SynapseSync/username \
--value <synapse user name> \
--type SecureString \
--key-id alias/s3-synapse-sync-kms-key/kmskey
$ sam build
$ sam local invoke HelloWorldFunction --event events/event.json
Tests are defined in the tests
folder in this project. Use PIP to install the
pytest and run unit tests.
$ python -m pytest tests/ -v
Containerize the python Minerva rendering script.
- Make sure Docker is installed
- Download this repository
- Build:
cd docker
docker build -t <image_name> .
- Tag the build and push image to registry
Deployments are sent to the
Sage cloudformation repository
which requires permissions to upload to Sage
sam package --template-file .aws-sam/build/template.yaml \
--s3-bucket essentials-awss3lambdaartifactsbucket-x29ftznj6pqw \
--output-template-file .aws-sam/build/s3-synapse-sync.yaml
aws s3 cp .aws-sam/build/s3-synapse-sync.yaml s3://bootstrap-awss3cloudformationbucket-19qromfd235z9/s3-synapse-sync/master/
Publishing the lambda makes it available in your AWS account. It will be accessible in the serverless application repository.
sam publish --template .aws-sam/build/cfn-cr-synapse-tagger.yaml
Making the lambda publicly accessible makes it available in the global AWS serverless application repository
aws serverlessrepo put-application-policy \
--application-id <lambda ARN> \
--statements Principals=*,Actions=Deploy
Create the following sceptre file
Create a sceptre s3-synapse-sync.yaml file used to deploy cloudformation template s3-synapse-sync.yaml:
template_path: "remote/s3-synapse-sync.yaml"
stack_name: "s3-synapse-sync"
Department: "CompOnc"
Project: "HTAN"
OwnerEmail: ""
- "prod/s3-synapse-sync-kms-key.yaml"
- !cmd "curl https://{{stack_group_config.admincentral_cf_bucket}} --create-dirs -o templates/remote/s3-synapse-sync.yaml"
BucketVariables: >-
KmsDecryptPolicyArn: !stack_output_external "s3-synapse-sync-kms-key::KmsDecryptPolicyArn"
BucketNamePrefix: "htan-dcc-*"
DockerImage: "registry/repository:tag"
Subnets: "subnet-1a2b3c4d,subnet-1a2b3c4d"
VpcID: "vpc-1a2b3c4d"
Install the lambda using sceptre:
sceptre --var "profile=my-profile" --var "region=us-east-1" launch prod/s3-synapse-sync.yaml
Steps to deploy from AWS console.
- Login to AWS
- Access the serverless application repository -> Available Applications
- Select application to install
- Enter Application settings
- Click Deploy
Note: Buckets must be explicitly named. Bucket names must begin with the prefix specified in the lambda parameter BucketNamePrefix
(e.g. htan-dcc-*) and must be globally unique across all AWS accounts.
Create a sceptre s3-synapse-sync-bucket-a.yaml file used to deploy jinjaized cloudformation template s3-synapse-sync-bucket-a.yaml:
template_path: "remote/s3-synapse-sync-bucket.j2"
stack_name: "s3-synapse-sync-bucket-a"
Department: "CompOnc"
Project: "HTAN"
OwnerEmail: ""
- !cmd "curl https://{{stack_group_config.admincentral_cf_bucket}} --create-dirs -o templates/remote/s3-synapse-sync-bucket.j2"
- "prod/s3-synapse-sync.yaml"
BucketName: "htan-dcc-bucket-a"
- "1111111"
- "arn:aws:sts::213235685529:assumed-role/sandbox-developer/"
- "arn:aws:sts::213235685529:assumed-role/sandbox-developer/"
- "arn:aws:sts::213235685529:assumed-role/sandbox-developer/"
S3SynapseSyncFunctionArn: !stack_output_external "s3-synapse-sync::FunctionArn"
S3SynapseSyncFunctionRoleArn: !stack_output_external "s3-synapse-sync::FunctionRoleArn"
# Due to circular dependencies, enabling bucket notification must be done after bucket creation"
EnableNotificationConfiguration: "false"
Deploy with sceptre, Notification configuration is disabled on 1st deploy.
Deploy a 2nd time with EnableNotificationConfiguration: "true"
- Place file in folder of S3 bucket
- Grant the bucket owner full control of the object by including the flag
--acl bucket-owner-full-control
- Grant the bucket owner full control of the object by including the flag
Example cp
and put-object
aws s3 cp test.txt s3://MyBucket/MyFolder/test.txt --acl bucket-owner-full-control
aws s3api put-object --bucket MyBucket --key MyFolder/test.txt --body test.txt --acl bucket-owner-full-control
- Check CloudWatch logs for the Lambda function to see if the function was triggered and completed successfully
- Check Synapse project to see if filehandle was created
The lambda will also run a Minerva pre-processing tool to create a JPEG image pyramid and an exhibit.json
suitable for hosting with Minerva Story.
Add input OME-TIFF and json (<story_name>.story.json) files to the minerva
folder in the bucket. Ensure that the image name contained in the in_file
property of the author json file matches that of the OME-TIFF input file. Output image tiles and exhibit files will be added to the <story_name> directory in the minerva