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Do not verify lengths in propWithModel
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The input length is not always equal to the output length, nor even
predictable. Furthermore, some properties might not be interested in the
length in the first place.

Fixes #81
  • Loading branch information
martijnbastiaan committed Jul 20, 2024
1 parent 907cfd8 commit 5b3cf68
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Showing 9 changed files with 73 additions and 154 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion clash-protocols.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ library

-- inline-circuit-notation
, circuit-notation
, clash-prelude-hedgehog
, data-default
, deepseq
, extra
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/Protocols/Avalon/Stream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -251,9 +251,8 @@ instance
) =>
Test (AvalonStream dom conf dataType)
expectToLengths Proxy = pure . P.length
expectN Proxy options nExpected sampled =
expectN (Proxy @(Df.Df dom _)) options nExpected
expectN Proxy options sampled =
expectN (Proxy @(Df.Df dom _)) options
$ Df.maybeToData
<$> sampled

Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions src/Protocols/Axi4/Stream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable, hashWithSalt)
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Prelude as P

-- clash-prelude
import Clash.Prelude hiding (concat, length, take)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ instance
s0 = ()
blankOtp = Nothing
stateFn ack _ otpItem =
pure (otpItem, Nothing, Maybe.isJust otpItem && _tready ack)
pure (otpItem, Nothing, Maybe.isJust otpItem C.&& _tready ack)

fromDfCircuit proxy = DfConv.fromDfCircuitHelper proxy s0 blankOtp stateFn
Expand All @@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ instance
sigToSimFwd _ s = sample_lazy s
sigToSimBwd _ s = sample_lazy s

stallC conf (head -> (stallAck, stalls)) =
stallC conf (C.head -> (stallAck, stalls)) =
withClockResetEnable clockGen resetGen enableGen
$ DfConv.stall Proxy Proxy conf stallAck stalls

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,9 +186,8 @@ instance
) =>
Test (Axi4Stream dom conf userType)
expectToLengths Proxy = pure . P.length
expectN Proxy options nExpected sampled =
expectN (Proxy @(Df.Df dom _)) options nExpected
expectN Proxy options sampled =
expectN (Proxy @(Df.Df dom _)) options
$ Df.maybeToData
<$> sampled

Expand Down
26 changes: 19 additions & 7 deletions src/Protocols/Hedgehog.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,8 +41,10 @@ import Protocols.Hedgehog.Internal
-- clash-prelude
import qualified Clash.Prelude as C

-- hedgehog
-- clash-prelude-hedgehog
import Clash.Hedgehog.Sized.Vector (genVec)

-- hedgehog
import Hedgehog ((===))
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
Expand All @@ -60,6 +62,15 @@ resetGen n =
(C.fromList (replicate n True <> repeat False))

smallInt :: H.Range Int
smallInt = Range.linear 0 10

genSmallInt :: H.Gen Int
genSmallInt = Gen.frequency
[ (90, Gen.integral smallInt)
, (10, Gen.constant (Range.lowerBound 99 smallInt))

{- | Test a protocol against a pure model implementation. Circuit under test will
be arbitrarily stalled on the left hand and right hand side and tested for
a number of properties:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -89,21 +100,23 @@ propWithModel ::
propWithModel eOpts genData model prot prop = $ do
dat <- H.forAll genData
let n = maximum (expectToLengths (Proxy @a) dat)

-- TODO: Different 'n's for each output
n <- H.forAll (Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 (eoSampleMax eOpts)))

-- TODO: Different distributions?
let genStall = Gen.integral (Range.linear 0 10)
let genStall = genSmallInt

-- Generate stalls for LHS part of the protocol. The first line determines
-- whether to stall or not. The second determines how many cycles to stall
-- on each _valid_ cycle.
lhsStallModes <- H.forAll (sequenceA (C.repeat @(SimulateChannels a) genStallMode))
lhsStallModes <- H.forAll (genVec genStallMode)
lhsStalls <- H.forAll (traverse (genStalls genStall n) lhsStallModes)

-- Generate stalls for RHS part of the protocol. The first line determines
-- whether to stall or not. The second determines how many cycles to stall
-- on each _valid_ cycle.
rhsStallModes <- H.forAll (sequenceA (C.repeat @(SimulateChannels b) genStallMode))
rhsStallModes <- H.forAll (genVec genStallMode)
rhsStalls <- H.forAll (traverse (genStalls genStall n) rhsStallModes)

Expand All @@ -121,10 +134,9 @@ propWithModel eOpts genData model prot prop = $ do
|> prot
|> rhsStallC
sampled = sampleC simConfig stalledProtocol
lengths = expectToLengths (Proxy @b) expected

-- expectN errors if circuit does not produce enough data
trimmed <- expectN (Proxy @b) eOpts lengths sampled
trimmed <- expectN (Proxy @b) eOpts sampled

_ <- H.evalNF trimmed
_ <- H.evalNF expected
Expand Down
158 changes: 34 additions & 124 deletions src/Protocols/Hedgehog/Internal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,11 +11,8 @@ Internals for "Protocols.Hedgehog".
module Protocols.Hedgehog.Internal where

-- base

import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack, withFrozenCallStack)
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Prelude

-- clash-protocols
Expand All @@ -33,17 +30,17 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
-- hedgehog
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Property as H
import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Show as H

-- pretty-show
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)

-- | Options for 'expectN' function. See individual fields for more information.
data ExpectOptions = ExpectOptions
{ eoEmptyTail :: Int
-- ^ Sample /n/ cycles after last expected value and check for emptiness
, eoTimeout :: Maybe Int
-- ^ Timeout after seeing /n/ empty cycles
{ eoStopAfterEmpty :: Int
-- ^ Stop sampling after seeing /n/ consecutive empty samples
, eoSampleMax :: Int
-- ^ Produce an error if the circuit produces more than /n/ valid samples. This
-- is used to prevent infinitely running circuits.
-- This number is used to generate stall information, so setting it to
-- unreasonable values will result in long runtimes.
, eoResetCycles :: Int
-- ^ Ignore first /n/ cycles
, eoDriveEarly :: Bool
Expand All @@ -58,8 +55,13 @@ empty cycles.
defExpectOptions :: ExpectOptions
defExpectOptions =
{ eoEmptyTail = 50
, eoTimeout = Just 1000
-- XXX: These numbers are arbitrary, and should be adjusted to fit the
-- protocol being tested. Annoyingly, upping these values will
-- increase the time it takes to run the tests. This is because
-- the test will run for at least the number of cycles specified
-- in 'eoStopAfterEmpty'.
{ eoStopAfterEmpty = 256
, eoSampleMax = 128
, eoResetCycles = 30
, eoDriveEarly = True
Expand All @@ -81,22 +83,13 @@ class
) =>
Test a
-- | Get the number of expected valid data cycles for each data channel,
-- given a list of expected data.
expectToLengths ::
Proxy a ->
ExpectType a ->
C.Vec (SimulateChannels a) Int

-- | Trim each channel to the lengths given as the third argument. See
-- result documentation for failure modes.
expectN ::
(HasCallStack, H.MonadTest m) =>
Proxy a ->
-- | Options, see 'ExpectOptions'
ExpectOptions ->
-- | Number of valid data cycles expected on each channel
C.Vec (SimulateChannels a) Int ->
-- | Raw sampled data
SimulateFwdType a ->
-- | Depending on "ExpectOptions", fails the test if:
Expand All @@ -113,58 +106,29 @@ class
m (ExpectType a)

instance (TestType a, C.KnownDomain dom) => Test (Df dom a) where
expectToLengths Proxy = pure . length

expectN ::
forall m.
(HasCallStack, H.MonadTest m) =>
Proxy (Df dom a) ->
ExpectOptions ->
C.Vec 1 Int ->
[Df.Data a] ->
m [a]
expectN Proxy (ExpectOptions{eoEmptyTail, eoTimeout}) (C.head -> nExpected) sampled = do
go (fromMaybe maxBound eoTimeout) nExpected sampled
expectN Proxy (ExpectOptions{eoSampleMax, eoStopAfterEmpty}) sampled = do
go eoSampleMax eoStopAfterEmpty sampled
catDatas [] = []
catDatas (Df.NoData : xs) = catDatas xs
catDatas (Df.Data x : xs) = x : catDatas xs

go ::
(HasCallStack) =>
-- Timeout counter. If it reaches zero we time out.
Int ->
-- Expected number of values
Int ->
-- Sampled data
[Df.Data a] ->
-- Results
m [a]
go :: (HasCallStack) => Int -> Int -> [Df.Data a] -> m [a]
go _timeout _n [] =
-- This really should not happen, protocols should produce data indefinitely
error "unexpected end of signal"
go _timeout 0 rest = do
-- Check for superfluous output from protocol
case catDatas (take eoEmptyTail rest) of
[] -> pure (take nExpected (catDatas sampled))
superfluous ->
let err = "Circuit produced more output than expected:"
in H.failWith Nothing (err <> "\n\n" <> ppShow superfluous)
go timeout n _
| timeout <= 0 =
H.failWith Nothing $
[ "Circuit did not produce enough output. Expected "
, show n
, " more values. Sampled only " <> show (nExpected - n) <> ":\n\n"
, ppShow (take (nExpected - n) (catDatas sampled))
go timeout n (Df.NoData : as) = do
-- Circuit did not output valid cycle, just continue
go (pred timeout) n as
go _ n (Df.Data _ : as) =
-- Circuit produced a valid cycle, reset timeout
go (fromMaybe maxBound eoTimeout) (pred n) as
go 0 _ _ =
H.failWith Nothing ("Sample limit reached after sampling " <> show eoSampleMax <> " samples")
go _ 0 _ =
pure []
go sampleTimeout _emptyTimeout (Df.Data a : as) =
(a:) <$> go (sampleTimeout - 1) eoStopAfterEmpty as
go sampleTimeout emptyTimeout (Df.NoData : as) =
go sampleTimeout (emptyTimeout - 1) as

( Test a
Expand All @@ -174,27 +138,16 @@ instance
) =>
Test (C.Vec n a)
expectToLengths ::
Proxy (C.Vec n a) ->
ExpectType (C.Vec n a) ->
C.Vec (n * SimulateChannels a) Int
expectToLengths Proxy =
C.concatMap (expectToLengths (Proxy @a))

expectN ::
forall m.
(HasCallStack, H.MonadTest m) =>
Proxy (C.Vec n a) ->
ExpectOptions ->
C.Vec (n * SimulateChannels a) Int ->
C.Vec n (SimulateFwdType a) ->
m (C.Vec n (ExpectType a))
expectN Proxy opts nExpecteds sampled = do
-- TODO: This creates some pretty terrible error messages, as one
-- TODO: simulate channel is checked at a time.
( (C.unconcatI nExpecteds) sampled)
(uncurry (expectN (Proxy @a) opts))
-- TODO: This creates some pretty terrible error messages, as one
-- TODO: simulate channel is checked at a time.
expectN Proxy opts = mapM (expectN (Proxy @a) opts)

( Test a
Expand All @@ -203,59 +156,16 @@ instance
) =>
Test (a, b)
expectToLengths ::
Proxy (a, b) ->
(ExpectType a, ExpectType b) ->
C.Vec (SimulateChannels a + SimulateChannels b) Int
expectToLengths Proxy (t1, t2) =
expectToLengths (Proxy @a) t1 C.++ expectToLengths (Proxy @b) t2

expectN ::
forall m.
(HasCallStack, H.MonadTest m) =>
Proxy (a, b) ->
ExpectOptions ->
C.Vec (SimulateChannels a + SimulateChannels b) Int ->
(SimulateFwdType a, SimulateFwdType b) ->
m (ExpectType a, ExpectType b)
expectN Proxy opts nExpecteds (sampledA, sampledB) = do
expectN Proxy opts (sampledA, sampledB) = do
-- TODO: This creates some pretty terrible error messages, as one
-- TODO: simulate channel is checked at a time.
trimmedA <- expectN (Proxy @a) opts nExpectedsA sampledA
trimmedB <- expectN (Proxy @b) opts nExpectedsB sampledB
trimmedA <- expectN (Proxy @a) opts sampledA
trimmedB <- expectN (Proxy @b) opts sampledB
pure (trimmedA, trimmedB)
(nExpectedsA, nExpectedsB) = C.splitAtI nExpecteds

-- | Fails with an error that shows the difference between two values.
failDiffWith ::
(H.MonadTest m, Show a, Show b, HasCallStack) =>
-- | Additional info for error message
String ->
-- | Expected
a ->
-- | Actual
b ->
m ()
failDiffWith msg x y =
case H.valueDiff <$> H.mkValue x <*> H.mkValue y of
Nothing ->
withFrozenCallStack $
H.failWith Nothing $
unlines $
[ msg
, "━━ expected ━━"
, H.showPretty x
, "━━ actual ━━"
, H.showPretty y
Just vdiff@(H.ValueSame _) ->
withFrozenCallStack $
(Just $ H.Diff "━━━ Failed (" "" "no differences" "" ") ━━━" vdiff)
Just vdiff ->
withFrozenCallStack $
(Just $ H.Diff "━━━ Failed (" "- expected" ") (" "+ actual" ") ━━━" vdiff)
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions src/Protocols/Wishbone/Standard/Hedgehog.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ wishbonePropWithModel eOpts model circuit0 inputGen st = do
resets = 5
driver = driveStandard @dom (defExpectOptions{eoResetCycles = resets}) ( input reqStalls)
circuit1 = validatorCircuit |> circuit0
(_, s2m) = observeComposedWishboneCircuit (eoTimeout eOpts) driver circuit1
(_, s2m) = observeComposedWishboneCircuit (eoSampleMax eOpts) driver circuit1

matchModel 0 s2m input st === Right ()
Expand All @@ -504,17 +504,13 @@ wishbonePropWithModel eOpts model circuit0 inputGen st = do

observeComposedWishboneCircuit ::
(KnownDomain dom) =>
Maybe Int ->
Int ->
Circuit () (Wishbone dom mode addressWidth a) ->
Circuit (Wishbone dom mode addressWidth a) () ->
( [WishboneM2S addressWidth (BitSize a `DivRU` 8) a]
, [WishboneS2M a]
observeComposedWishboneCircuit Nothing (Circuit master) (Circuit slave) =
let ~((), m2s) = master ((), s2m)
~(s2m, ()) = slave (m2s, ())
in (sample_lazy m2s, sample_lazy s2m)
observeComposedWishboneCircuit (Just n) (Circuit master) (Circuit slave) =
observeComposedWishboneCircuit n (Circuit master) (Circuit slave) =
let ~((), m2s) = master ((), s2m)
~(s2m, ()) = slave (m2s, ())
in (sampleN_lazy n m2s, sampleN_lazy n s2m)

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