This is an API for a rental website, as an Openclassroom project.
For using Springdoc documentation :
The OpenAPI description will be available at the following url for json format: http://localhost:3001/v3/api-docs
API Documentation : http://localhost:3001/swagger-ui/index.html#/
This project uses:
- Spring Boot
- Spring Security
- Mapstruct for repository Mapper Find more info on pom.xml for dependencies.
It is used in combination with a MySQL database hosted by Wamp for development purposes. The development involved Postman to test the API.
This is a layer-based architecture, Controller-Service-Repository-Database.
- Setup your database :
- Setup an empty database called "rentals" on port 3306 with any software (Wamp, command line...) For example with Wamp :
- Download it here, install it and launch it
- Go to http://localhost:8081/phpmyadmin/ with default credentials
- Create the empty database "rentals"
- Setup the backend : clone this repository
- git clone
- Open in your IDE, open in a tab and right click -> run
- Change database credentials as needed, in
- Setup the frontend :
- git clone
- You need to check this pull request, because default code redirects instantly when accessing rental creation form :
- open terminal in project folder
- install node modules with "npm install"
- run "ng serve"
- Test the app
Run the associated Postman files in Postman from Openclassroom project page. You will need some changes in the JSON (or follow this link : I needed the following changes to make it work :
changed "email" instead of "login" in /login route. (check Angular form)
removed Authorization Inherited from /register route. No JWT token should be sent when registering.
"Lorem ipsum" description is too long in PUT request, and also in /create request.
There is no slash in the end of api/messages (check src/app/features/rentals/messages.sercive.ts in Angular)
Same way, no "/1" at the end of api/rentals for CREATE request. Remember to add a picture in the request body.
Or test manually on the adress http://localhost:4200/rentals
You should get a JWT token on login or register. Use this token in headers to authenticate in any request.