Releases: clingen-data-model/genegraph-framework
Releases · clingen-data-model/genegraph-framework
Remove Clojure.stacktrace ref
0.1-alpha.36 clojure.stacktrace not available in some envs
rdf/tx needs to return something
0.1-alpha.35 Need to actually return result of transaction
address rdf/tx bug, init for http endpoints
rdf/tx bug fix, allow init-fn for http endpoints
Fix range scan bug for RocksDB
Compressing the keyspace with the last RocksDB update meant that incrementing the last byte for a range scan was no longer sufficient and introduced errors.
Now incrementing last Long in key range
Fix protobuf conflict again
0.1-alpha.32 Extra exclusions for protobuf
Resolve protobuf conflict
0.1-alpha.31 Resolve protobuf conflict with google libs
RocksDB updates, remove JDBC, libs update
0.1-alpha.30 Updated deps, remove jdbc, RocksDB updates
Simplifying JSON-LD framing
0.1-alpha.29 simplifying frame code
Adding JSON-LD Framed output
0.1-alpha.28 Adding JsonLd serialization with framing
Jena algebra updated
0.1-alpha.27 Updating algebra classes