- Home -- Getting started: introduction to joynr
- Using joynr -- General information about joynr
- Franca IDL overview -- Introduction to Franca Interface Definition Language used for modelling
- joynr Code Generator -- Using the joynr Code Generator to generate code from the Franca model files
- Building joynr Java -- Building joynr Java and common components yourself
- Building joynr C++ -- Building joynr C++ yourself
- Building joynr JavaScript -- Building joynr JavaScript yourself
- Java
- Java Developer Guide -- Developing Java applications with joynr
- JEE Developer Guide -- Developing JEE applications with joynr
- Java Configuration Reference -- a reference of the available configuration options for Java and JEE joynr applications
- C++ Developer Guide -- Developing C++ applications with joynr
- JavaScript Developer Guide -- Developing JavaScript applications with joynr
- JavaScript Tutorial -- Make your first joynr JavaScript application
- Radio App Tutorial -- Make your first joynr app: define a communication interface, implement a provider, and create a consumer.
- Broadcast Tutorial -- Learn about (selective) broadcasts and implement a geocast.
- Distribution -- How to get joynr.
- Infrastructure -- Setting up the joynr infrastucture components for your environment
- Glassfish Settings -- Settings you need to run joynr backend services on Glassfish application servers.
- Release Notes -- All joynr releases and API changes at a glance.
joynr is a web-based communication framework for Java, C++, and JavaScript applications wanting to interact with other applications, no matter whether they're deployed on consumer devices, vehicles, or backend infrastructure.
joynr makes writing distributed applications easy, as it:
- takes care of determining the most appropriate communication paradigm to talk with the desired end point
- provides a simple application programming interface to the joynr framework
- speeds up integration of new applications
... allowing you to focus on building your distributed application.
Have a peek at our documentation for more information!