Proposed Solution to keep all workshop material in one place, other repos will be Deprecated.
A single repository for organizers to choose a project for their ClojureBridge Workshop
- Welcome - a project to run after setup to ensure your environment is set up correctly.
- Drawing Project - a project using Quil to make a project using lines and the mouse.
- Global Web App Project - a web app project using Ring, Compojure and Hiccup to make a web application.
- Tones Project - an application to use Overtone, a sound library to make a series of tones.
- Turtle Project - an application you can use a "turtle" and a series of instructions to create designs.
- Beginner Chatter Project - a simple web app "twitter clone" for beginners
- Intermediate Chatter Project - a more advanced version of Chatter for those with experience web programming and with tests
- Track 2 - Functional - a fork of the clojurekoans geared to ClojureBridge.