✨ New Features
- auto changelog action added (commit by @mamrajyadav)83b493c
- added dependabot.yml file (commit by @mamrajyadav)605cbc7
- updated changelog.yml name and file (commit by @vibhutigoyal)4451e09
- update new github-action and subnet vpc tag (PR #21 by @theprashantyadav)c16c5f9
- Updated the main.tf for the workdlow details block to use optionally. (commit by @anmolnagpal)22ffd9b
- Updated the terraform version and fixed the tfsec warnings (commit by @anmolnagpal)7ca7f5d
- Updated the terraform version and fixed the tfsec warnings (commit by @anmolnagpal)0855cff
- Updated the tfcheck workflow (commit by @anmolnagpal)045b441
- Updated the tfcheck workflow (commit by @anmolnagpal)d54e8ea
- Updated the terraform code (commit by @anmolnagpal)2f2c982
- Updated the terraform code & removed the unused tf variables and files. (commit by @anmolnagpal)d815900
- removed the unused tf variables and files. (commit by @anmolnagpal)