learning-hub-content repo manages .yaml files for Learning Hub section. We have created external github repo to allow dynamic update of contents regardless of CML releases.
There are four .yaml files
- blogposts.yaml
- documentation.yaml
- feature.yaml
- research.yaml
Each .yaml file follows the same format:
-title: Representation Learning 101 for Software Engineers
" Good representations of data (e.g., text, images) are critical for
solving many tasks (e.g., search or recommendations). Deep representation learning
yields state of the art results when used to create these representations. In
this article, we review methods for representation learning and walk through an
example using pretrained models."
category: Blogpost
- cml
- ffl
- ml
link: https://blog.fastforwardlabs.com/2020/11/15/representation-learning-101-for-software-engineers.html
imgpath: https://blog.fastforwardlabs.com/images/hugo/representationlearning.png
date: "2020-11-15T00:00:00Z"
Github Actions validates the format of .yaml files everytime repo is pushed.