This is a tool designed to pull cost data from AWS cost explorer
example usage:
# look up all service totals for account 123456789012 for July, 2018
./ -a 123456789012 -m 2018-07
Dates: 2018-07-01 - 2018-07-31
account_id service total
123456789012 AWS Budgets $0.52
123456789012 AWS Cost Explorer $59.84
123456789012 AWS Data Transfer $0.00
123456789012 AWS Support (Business) $6.80
123456789012 EC2 - Other $3.52
123456789012 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Compute $4.03
123456789012 Amazon Simple Notification Service $0.00
123456789012 Amazon Simple Storage Service $0.00
123456789012 AmazonCloudWatch $0.00
123456789012 Total $74.71
# look up all service totals for account 123456789012, current month
./ -a 123456789012
Dates: 2018-11-01 - 2018-11-07
account_id service total
# look up cost of "AWS Support (Business)" for account 123456789012, current month
./ -a 123456789012 -s "AWS Support (Business)"
Dates: 2018-11-01 - 2018-11-07
account_id service total
123456789012 AWS Support (Business) $6.8
123456789012 Total $6.8
# look up cost of 2 AWS services in this account, current month
./ -s "AWS Greengrass,AWS IoT"
Dates: 2018-12-01 - 2018-12-04
Account ID Service Total
150337127586 AWS Greengrass $0.32
150337127586 AWS IoT $0.01
150337127586 Total $0.33
# look up all totals using a cross account role
./ -a 123456789012 -r CloudShift_CostExplorerRole
# print with json output
./ -a 123456789012 --json-out
"attributes": {
"account_id": "123456789012",
"start_date": "2018-10-01",
"end_date": "2018-10-31"
"services": {
"AWS Budgets": 0.56,
"AWS Cost Explorer": 0.02,
"AWS Key Management Service": 6e-05,
"AWS Lambda": 0.10275,
"AWS Support (Business)": 5.44214,
"Amazon API Gateway": 0.04487,
"Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR)": 0.47212,
"Amazon EC2 Container Service": 23.97375,
"EC2 - Other": 4.308,
"Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Compute": 4.06755,
"Amazon Relational Database Service": 20.10401,
"Amazon Simple Email Service": 0.0009,
"Amazon Simple Notification Service": 0.0,
"Amazon Simple Queue Service": 0.0,
"Amazon Simple Storage Service": 0.03576,
"AmazonCloudWatch": 0.01252
"Total": 59.14443
Here is an example cloud formation template that creates an IAM role in the target account with cost explorer access.
You can call this code as a module from your python scripts
>>> from aws_cost.aws_cost import get_aws_cost
>>> get_aws_cost(account_id=123456789012)
{'attributes': {'account_id': 123456789012, 'start_date': '2018-11-01', 'end_date': '2018-11-16'}, 'services': {'AWS Budgets': 0.26, 'AWS Cost Explorer': 1.38, 'AWS Key Management Service': 0.0, 'AWS Lambda': 0.00673, 'AWS Support (Business)': 1.62824, 'Amazon API Gateway': 0.03483, 'Amazon EC2 Container Registry (ECR)': 0.37609, 'Amazon EC2 Container Service': 0.15696, 'EC2 - Other': 2.2167, 'Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Compute': 3.90029, 'Amazon Relational Database Service': 7.84742, 'Amazon Simple Email Service': 0.0005, 'Amazon Simple Notification Service': 0.0, 'Amazon Simple Storage Service': 0.0344, 'AmazonCloudWatch': 0.00628}, 'Total': 17.84844}
- an AWS account with API credentials
- git (to download this repository)
- python3 or greater
pip module installedbegins
pip module installed
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Create a virtual environment and install the libraries
cd aws_pricing
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Setup your AWS credentials Either set AWS API environment variables or Use credentials file
There is extensive help on the commands and subcommands with -h
usage: [-h] [-v | -q]
[--logfile LOGFILE] [--logfmt LOGFMT] [--service SERVICE]
[--month MONTH] [--role-name ROLE_NAME] [--json-out]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increse logging output
-q, --quiet Decrease logging output
--service SERVICE, -s SERVICE
(default: None)
--month MONTH, -m MONTH
(default: current)
--role-name ROLE_NAME, -r ROLE_NAME
(default: None)
--json-out (default: False)
Detailed control of logging output
Set explicit log level
--logfile LOGFILE Ouput log messages to file
--logfmt LOGFMT Log message format