This module provides a script 'p', which has handy shortcuts for modules that are used in one-liners.
Usage: p [-lneE etc] 'code'
The code can make use of:
r to File::Slurper::read_text()
w to File::Slurper::write_text()
S to say()
p to print()
dd to Data::Dump::dd()
jd to JSON::encode (utf8/pretty)
jl to JSON::decode (utf8/allow nonref) a thing
xd to XML::Hash::LX::hash2xml()
xl to XML::Hash::LX::xml2hash()
yd to YAML::Dump()
yl to YAML::Load()
xj to convert an xml file to json
jx to convert a json file to xml
get,head,getprint,getstore,mirror from LWP::Simple
sum,first,min,max,zip,uniq,any,all,none ... all of List::AllUtils
p 'dd [File::Spec->path]' # dynamically load arbitrary modules
p -pe 's/foo/bar/' foo.txt # use your favorite options like -lane
p 'say "hello world!"' # -E is assumed if no options are provided
p 'dd yl r "config.yml"' # chain commands
p 'S sum 1,2,3,4' # all of List::AllUtils is at your fingertips
p 'dd ExtUtils::Installed->new->modules' # list all installed modules
p ' dd xl r "/etc/xml/xml-core.xml"' # print dump of hash converted xml
p 'p xd xl r "/etc/xml/xml-core.xml"' # print xml converted from hash
p 'dd flatten {foo=>{var=>2}}' # print {"foo.var" => 2}
p 'dd +{foo=>{var=>2}} ~~ dpath "//foo"' # dpath search for foo, prints [{var => 2}]
p 'p get ""' # print contents of url
p 'p xj "file.xml" # (xj xml to json )print xml's equivalent json
p 'p jx "file.json" # (jx json to xml )print json's equivalent xml
p 'dd uniq map $_->{ostext}, @{ jl get "" }' # have fun!
- datamuc <>
- Jenish Gnanasicamani <>
- Stanislaw Pusep <>
- Stefan Corneliu Petrea <>
- Tommy Stanton <>
This is based on Randy Stauner's and Marco Fontani's