InspectorTodo is a Python tool to track the status of todos in a software project, assuming that the project uses an issue tracker, e.g. JIRA. In its simplest form it searches for all occurrences of the string TODO and checks whether it is followed by an issue reference that is conform to a given regular expression.
Download or clone this project and go to the resulting directory (Python >= 3.6 is required):
pip install .
Then you can run InspectorTodo:
inspectortodo --help
If you installed it in a virtualenv (which is recommended), then you always have to activate the virtualenv first.
The source code of InspectorTodo contains a small example project which can be parsed with the command (assuming you are at project root of InspectorTodo)
inspectortodo ./tests/inspectortodo/project_for_testing "IT-\d+" --version-pattern "Release-\d+" --version 2 --versions 1,2,3
InspectorTodo currently features two ways of traversing the folder tree of your project: iterating over all files on OS level or iterating over all files under git control. The latter is used when the folder passed to InspectorTodo as root dir is a git root.
To use advanced features you can use a config file by passing a file path via the --configfile option. If the file does not exist a default config is created which you can adapt afterwards.
If issues are tracked in an issue tracker like JIRA, InspectorTodo can validate whether issues that are referenced in a todo are in an allowed status.
Connection settings for a JIRA server.
A filter (currently tailored to Jira) that will only mark todos as invalid, if a field with name filter_key
is present
and has at least one of filter_values
values as its entry. Can be used, e.g. to show only todos pointing to issues
belonging to certain teams (e.g. on branches).
A list of allowed statuses in the issue tracker, like "Backlog" or "Todo".
If there are files in the project that should not be parsed (e.g. because they belong to another project), you can configure a list of ignored paths here, relative to the project root. Compare the entries from the example config for details.
InspectorTodo was conceived, written and executed by Martin Fink, Kai Helbig and Wolfgang Münder.
© 2018 TNG Technology Consulting GmbH, Unterföhring, Germany
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see in project root directory.