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Merge pull request Expensify#49919 from nkdengineer/fix/47427
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update beginningOfChatHistory translation
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roryabraham authored Oct 4, 2024
2 parents 10b8547 + 79dda7a commit c6c1cf8
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Showing 5 changed files with 116 additions and 70 deletions.
80 changes: 56 additions & 24 deletions src/components/ReportWelcomeText.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,59 +1,65 @@
import React, {useMemo} from 'react';
import {View} from 'react-native';
import type {OnyxEntry} from 'react-native-onyx';
import {withOnyx} from 'react-native-onyx';
import {useOnyx} from 'react-native-onyx';
import useLocalize from '@hooks/useLocalize';
import useThemeStyles from '@hooks/useThemeStyles';
import Navigation from '@libs/Navigation/Navigation';
import * as OptionsListUtils from '@libs/OptionsListUtils';
import {getPolicy} from '@libs/PolicyUtils';
import * as ReportUtils from '@libs/ReportUtils';
import SidebarUtils from '@libs/SidebarUtils';
import CONST from '@src/CONST';
import type {IOUType} from '@src/CONST';
import ONYXKEYS from '@src/ONYXKEYS';
import ROUTES from '@src/ROUTES';
import type {PersonalDetailsList, Policy, Report} from '@src/types/onyx';
import type {Policy, Report} from '@src/types/onyx';
import {PressableWithoutFeedback} from './Pressable';
import RenderHTML from './RenderHTML';
import Text from './Text';
import UserDetailsTooltip from './UserDetailsTooltip';

type ReportWelcomeTextOnyxProps = {
/** All of the personal details for everyone */
personalDetails: OnyxEntry<PersonalDetailsList>;

type ReportWelcomeTextProps = ReportWelcomeTextOnyxProps & {
type ReportWelcomeTextProps = {
/** The report currently being looked at */
report: OnyxEntry<Report>;

/** The policy for the current route */
policy: OnyxEntry<Policy>;

function ReportWelcomeText({report, policy, personalDetails}: ReportWelcomeTextProps) {
function ReportWelcomeText({report, policy}: ReportWelcomeTextProps) {
const {translate} = useLocalize();
const styles = useThemeStyles();
const [personalDetails] = useOnyx(ONYXKEYS.PERSONAL_DETAILS_LIST);
const isPolicyExpenseChat = ReportUtils.isPolicyExpenseChat(report);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing
const [reportNameValuePairs] = useOnyx(`${ONYXKEYS.COLLECTION.REPORT_NAME_VALUE_PAIRS}${report?.reportID || -1}`);
const isArchivedRoom = ReportUtils.isArchivedRoom(report, reportNameValuePairs);
const isChatRoom = ReportUtils.isChatRoom(report);
const isSelfDM = ReportUtils.isSelfDM(report);
const isInvoiceRoom = ReportUtils.isInvoiceRoom(report);
const isSystemChat = ReportUtils.isSystemChat(report);
const isDefault = !(isChatRoom || isPolicyExpenseChat || isSelfDM || isInvoiceRoom || isSystemChat);
const participantAccountIDs = ReportUtils.getParticipantsAccountIDsForDisplay(report);
const participantAccountIDs = ReportUtils.getParticipantsAccountIDsForDisplay(report, undefined, undefined, true);
const isMultipleParticipant = participantAccountIDs.length > 1;
const displayNamesWithTooltips = ReportUtils.getDisplayNamesWithTooltips(OptionsListUtils.getPersonalDetailsForAccountIDs(participantAccountIDs, personalDetails), isMultipleParticipant);
const welcomeMessage = SidebarUtils.getWelcomeMessage(report, policy);
const moneyRequestOptions = ReportUtils.temporary_getMoneyRequestOptions(report, policy, participantAccountIDs);
const additionalText = moneyRequestOptions
(item): item is Exclude<IOUType, typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.REQUEST | typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.SEND | typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.CREATE | typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.INVOICE> =>
.map((item) => translate(`reportActionsView.iouTypes.${item}`))
const filteredOptions = moneyRequestOptions.filter(
(item): item is Exclude<IOUType, typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.REQUEST | typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.SEND | typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.CREATE | typeof CONST.IOU.TYPE.INVOICE> =>
const additionalText = filteredOptions
.map((item, index) => `${index === filteredOptions.length - 1 ? `${translate('common.or')} ` : ''}${translate(`reportActionsView.iouTypes.${item}`)}`)
.join(', ');
const canEditPolicyDescription = ReportUtils.canEditPolicyDescription(policy);
const reportName = ReportUtils.getReportName(report);
const shouldShowUsePlusButtonText =
(moneyRequestOptions.includes(CONST.IOU.TYPE.PAY) ||
moneyRequestOptions.includes(CONST.IOU.TYPE.SUBMIT) ||
moneyRequestOptions.includes(CONST.IOU.TYPE.TRACK) ||
moneyRequestOptions.includes(CONST.IOU.TYPE.SPLIT)) &&

const navigateToReport = () => {
if (!report?.reportID) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +118,38 @@ function ReportWelcomeText({report, policy, personalDetails}: ReportWelcomeTextP
{isInvoiceRoom &&
!isArchivedRoom &&
(welcomeMessage?.messageHtml ? (
onPress={() => {
if (!canEditPolicyDescription) {
Navigation.navigate(ROUTES.WORKSPACE_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION.getRoute(policy?.id ?? '-1'));
style={[styles.renderHTML, canEditPolicyDescription ? styles.cursorPointer : styles.cursorText]}
<RenderHTML html={welcomeMessage.messageHtml} />
) : (
{report?.invoiceReceiver?.type === CONST.REPORT.INVOICE_RECEIVER_TYPE.INDIVIDUAL ? (
<Text style={[styles.textStrong]}>{ReportUtils.getDisplayNameForParticipant(report?.invoiceReceiver?.accountID)}</Text>
) : (
<Text style={[styles.textStrong]}>{getPolicy(report?.invoiceReceiver?.policyID)?.name}</Text>
<Text>{` ${translate('common.and')} `}</Text>
<Text style={[styles.textStrong]}>{ReportUtils.getPolicyName(report)}</Text>
{isChatRoom &&
(!isInvoiceRoom || isArchivedRoom) &&
(welcomeMessage?.messageHtml ? (
onPress={() => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -179,18 +216,13 @@ function ReportWelcomeText({report, policy, personalDetails}: ReportWelcomeTextP
{(moneyRequestOptions.includes(CONST.IOU.TYPE.PAY) || moneyRequestOptions.includes(CONST.IOU.TYPE.SUBMIT) || moneyRequestOptions.includes(CONST.IOU.TYPE.TRACK)) && (
<Text>{translate('reportActionsView.usePlusButton', {additionalText})}</Text>
{shouldShowUsePlusButtonText && <Text>{translate('reportActionsView.usePlusButton', {additionalText})}</Text>}
{ReportUtils.isConciergeChatReport(report) && <Text>{translate('reportActionsView.askConcierge')}</Text>}

ReportWelcomeText.displayName = 'ReportWelcomeText';

export default withOnyx<ReportWelcomeTextProps, ReportWelcomeTextOnyxProps>({
personalDetails: {
export default ReportWelcomeText;
41 changes: 21 additions & 20 deletions src/languages/en.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import type {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,6 +264,7 @@ const translations = {
phoneNumberPlaceholder: '(xxx) xxx-xxxx',
email: 'Email',
and: 'and',
or: 'or',
details: 'Details',
privacy: 'Privacy',
privacyPolicy: 'Privacy Policy',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -658,33 +658,34 @@ const translations = {
reportActionsView: {
beginningOfArchivedRoomPartOne: 'You missed the party in ',
beginningOfArchivedRoomPartTwo: ", there's nothing to see here.",
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOne: ({domainRoom}: BeginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOneParams) => `Collaboration with everyone at ${domainRoom} starts here! 🎉\nUse `,
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartTwo: ' to chat with colleagues, share tips, and ask questions.',
beginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartOne: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartOneParams) => `Collaboration among ${workspaceName} admins starts here! 🎉\nUse `,
beginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartTwo: ' to chat about topics such as workspace configurations and more.',
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOne: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOneParams) =>
`Collaboration between all ${workspaceName} members starts here! 🎉\nUse `,
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartTwo: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartTwo) => ` to chat about anything ${workspaceName} related.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryUserRoomPartOne: 'Collaboration starts here! 🎉\nUse this space to chat about anything ',
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOne: ({domainRoom}: BeginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOneParams) => `This chat is with all Expensify members on the ${domainRoom} domain.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartTwo: ' Use it to chat with colleagues, share tips, and ask questions.',
beginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartOne: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartOneParams) => `This chat is with ${workspaceName} admins.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartTwo: ' Use it to chat about workspace setup and more.',
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOne: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOneParams) => `This chat is with everyone in ${workspaceName} workspace.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartTwo: ` Use it for the most important announcements.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryUserRoomPartOne: 'This chat room is for anything ',
beginningOfChatHistoryUserRoomPartTwo: ' related.',
beginningOfChatHistoryInvoiceRoom: 'Collaboration starts here! 🎉 Use this room to view, discuss, and pay invoices.',
beginningOfChatHistory: 'This is the beginning of your chat with ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartOne: 'Collaboration between ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartTwo: ' and ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartThree: ' starts here! 🎉 This is the place to chat, submit expenses and settle up.',
beginningOfChatHistoryInvoiceRoomPartOne: `This chat is for invoices between `,
beginningOfChatHistoryInvoiceRoomPartTwo: `. Use the + button to send an invoice.`,
beginningOfChatHistory: 'This chat is with ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartOne: 'This is where ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartTwo: ' will submit expenses to ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartThree: ' workspace. Just use the + button.',
beginningOfChatHistorySelfDM: 'This is your personal space. Use it for notes, tasks, drafts, and reminders.',
beginningOfChatHistorySystemDM: "Welcome! Let's get you set up.",
chatWithAccountManager: 'Chat with your account manager here',
sayHello: 'Say hello!',
yourSpace: 'Your space',
welcomeToRoom: ({roomName}: WelcomeToRoomParams) => `Welcome to ${roomName}!`,
usePlusButton: ({additionalText}: UsePlusButtonParams) => `\nYou can also use the + button to ${additionalText}, or assign a task!`,
usePlusButton: ({additionalText}: UsePlusButtonParams) => `\nUse the + button to ${additionalText} an expense.`,
askConcierge: '\nAsk questions and get 24/7 realtime support.',
iouTypes: {
pay: 'pay expenses',
split: 'split an expense',
submit: 'submit an expense',
track: 'track an expense',
invoice: 'invoice an expense',
pay: 'pay',
split: 'split',
submit: 'submit',
track: 'track',
invoice: 'invoice',
adminOnlyCanPost: 'Only admins can send messages in this room.',
Expand Down
44 changes: 23 additions & 21 deletions src/languages/es.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import type {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -256,6 +255,7 @@ const translations = {
phoneNumberPlaceholder: '(xxx) xxx-xxxx',
email: 'Email',
and: 'y',
or: 'o',
details: 'Detalles',
privacy: 'Privacidad',
hidden: 'Oculto',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -650,34 +650,36 @@ const translations = {
reportActionsView: {
beginningOfArchivedRoomPartOne: 'Te perdiste la fiesta en ',
beginningOfArchivedRoomPartTwo: ', no hay nada que ver aquí.',
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOne: ({domainRoom}: BeginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOneParams) => `¡Colabora aquí con todos los participantes de ${domainRoom}! 🎉\nUtiliza `,
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartTwo: ' para chatear con compañeros, compartir consejos o hacer una pregunta.',
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOne: ({domainRoom}: BeginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartOneParams) =>
`Este chat es con todos los miembros de Expensify en el dominio ${domainRoom}.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryDomainRoomPartTwo: ' Úsalo para chatear con colegas, compartir consejos y hacer preguntas.',
beginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartOne: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartOneParams) =>
`¡Este es el lugar para que los administradores de ${workspaceName} colaboren! 🎉\nUsa `,
beginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartTwo: ' para chatear sobre temas como la configuración del espacio de trabajo y mas.',
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOne: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOneParams) =>
`¡Este es el lugar para que todos los miembros de ${workspaceName} colaboren! 🎉\nUsa `,
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartTwo: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartTwo) => ` para chatear sobre cualquier cosa relacionada con ${workspaceName}.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryUserRoomPartOne: '¡Este es el lugar para colaborar! 🎉\nUsa este espacio para chatear sobre cualquier cosa relacionada con ',
beginningOfChatHistoryUserRoomPartTwo: '.',
beginningOfChatHistoryInvoiceRoom: '¡Este es el lugar para colaborar! 🎉 Utilice esta sala para ver, discutir y pagar facturas.',
beginningOfChatHistory: 'Aquí comienzan tus conversaciones con ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartOne: '¡La colaboración entre ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartTwo: ' y ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartThree: ' empieza aquí! 🎉 Este es el lugar donde chatear y presentar o pagar gastos.',
`Este chat es con los administradores del espacio de trabajo ${workspaceName}.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryAdminRoomPartTwo: ' Use it to chat about workspace setup and more.',
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOne: ({workspaceName}: BeginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartOneParams) => `Este chat es con todos en el espacio de trabajo ${workspaceName}.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryAnnounceRoomPartTwo: ` Úsalo para hablar sobre la configuración del espacio de trabajo y más.`,
beginningOfChatHistoryUserRoomPartOne: 'ste chat es para todo lo relacionado con ',
beginningOfChatHistoryUserRoomPartTwo: ' Fue creado por.',
beginningOfChatHistoryInvoiceRoomPartOne: `Este chat es para facturas entre `,
beginningOfChatHistoryInvoiceRoomPartTwo: `. Usa el botón + para enviar una factura.`,
beginningOfChatHistory: 'Este chat es con',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartOne: 'Aquí es donde ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartTwo: ' enviará los gastos al espacio de trabajo ',
beginningOfChatHistoryPolicyExpenseChatPartThree: '. Solo usa el botón +.',
beginningOfChatHistorySelfDM: 'Este es tu espacio personal. Úsalo para notas, tareas, borradores y recordatorios.',
beginningOfChatHistorySystemDM: '¡Bienvenido! Vamos a configurar tu cuenta.',
chatWithAccountManager: 'Chatea con tu gestor de cuenta aquí',
sayHello: '¡Saluda!',
yourSpace: 'Tu espacio',
welcomeToRoom: ({roomName}: WelcomeToRoomParams) => `¡Bienvenido a ${roomName}!`,
usePlusButton: ({additionalText}: UsePlusButtonParams) => `\n¡También puedes usar el botón + de abajo para ${additionalText}, o asignar una tarea!`,
usePlusButton: ({additionalText}: UsePlusButtonParams) => `\nUsa el botón + para ${additionalText} un gasto`,
askConcierge: 'Haz preguntas y obtén soporte en tiempo real las 24/7.',
iouTypes: {
pay: 'pagar gastos',
split: 'dividir un gasto',
submit: 'presentar un gasto',
track: 'rastrear un gasto',
invoice: 'facturar un gasto',
pay: 'pagar',
split: 'dividir',
submit: 'presentar',
track: 'rastrear',
invoice: 'facturar',
adminOnlyCanPost: 'Solo los administradores pueden enviar mensajes en esta sala.',
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/libs/ReportUtils.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2099,7 +2099,7 @@ function getDisplayNameForParticipant(
return shouldUseShortForm ? shortName : longName;

function getParticipantsAccountIDsForDisplay(report: OnyxEntry<Report>, shouldExcludeHidden = false, shouldExcludeDeleted = false): number[] {
function getParticipantsAccountIDsForDisplay(report: OnyxEntry<Report>, shouldExcludeHidden = false, shouldExcludeDeleted = false, shouldForceExcludeCurrentUser = false): number[] {
const reportParticipants = report?.participants ?? {};
let participantsEntries = Object.entries(reportParticipants);

Expand All @@ -2126,7 +2126,7 @@ function getParticipantsAccountIDsForDisplay(report: OnyxEntry<Report>, shouldEx

// For 1:1 chat, we don't want to include the current user as a participant in order to not mark 1:1 chats as having multiple participants
// For system chat, we want to display Expensify as the only participant
const shouldExcludeCurrentUser = isOneOnOneChat(report) || isSystemChat(report);
const shouldExcludeCurrentUser = isOneOnOneChat(report) || isSystemChat(report) || shouldForceExcludeCurrentUser;

if (shouldExcludeCurrentUser || shouldExcludeHidden || shouldExcludeDeleted) {
participantsIds = participantsIds.filter((accountID) => {
Expand Down

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