This is an example that shows the basics of how to create CRUD screens with NodeJS using ExpressJS and MySQL. CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update and Delete - this is the bread and butter of web application development.
The app is deployed at
You use CRUD to manage all the data in your web application. Once data is stored it can be retrieved, updated, deleted or whatever your demanding client wants.
I kept this example simple on purpose, but it can be used as the base of something much more complicated.
Fork this repo and clone it into a folder on your laptop and then follow these instructions.
To run this example locally you will need to have installed:
- NodeJS version 12+ install it using
- npm
- PostgreSQL
You can use apt-get to install all of the above.
You need NodeJs version 14+ install it using nvm - nvm install 14
You can install PostgreSQL on Ubuntu using these commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
Once you have all the above installed you need to setup the database.
Create a database called my_products
and username - coder
with a password of pg123
. Enter the password when prompted after executing the createuser
sudo -u postgres createdb my_products;
sudo -u postgres createuser coder -P;
Now run psql as the postgres user:
sudo -u postgres psql;
Grant the coder
user access to the my_products
database by running this command:
grant all privileges on database my_products to coder;
Type in \q
to exit psql as the postgres user.
Connect to your database using: psql -d my_products
If you are using windows you can create the database and user from within psql
create database my_products;
create role coder login password 'coder123';
grant all privileges on database my_products to coder;
Execute these SQL commands to create the categories
and products
table in your database.
You can copy and paste the script below into psql or your can run the database script inside psql using \i database.sql
create table categories(
id serial not null primary key,
description text not null
create table products (
id serial not null primary key,
description text not null,
price decimal(10,2),
category_id int,
foreign key (category_id) references categories(id)
To do this on your own project create sql file containing the table create scripts that's in your projects root folder. Run the scripts using
\i <your script file here>
You see which tables are in the database by using this command:
You can see the columns of a database using this:
\d+ <table_name_here>
To see all the columns in the products table do this:
\d+ products
Now you should be ready to run the application.
Open a terminal window in the root of the CRUD application and type
sudo npm install
This will install all the modules that the application depends on.
To start the application: node index.js
If there were no errors, open http://localhost:3000 in a web browser and Create, Read, Update and Delete some products.
Use this as a basis for your own experiments, try to add more tables. Link the tables together using SQL.
The web pages use handlebar.js templates
To deploy the application to Render, create an account here
Select Docs
on the navbar.
- Next choose node (Express) as you will deploy an express application.
Add a start script to your package.json
file in the scripts
Add a section like this:
"start" : "node index.js"
After adding this is should look like:
script : {
// other scripts
“start” : “node index.js”
Create a PostgreSQL database on Render for you app:
- In the dashboard, click
button. - Choose postgresql.
- Follow the steps, fill in all the fields accordingly.
See more info about creating a database on Render: PostgreSQL with Render
To connect to the Render PostgreSQL database you have just created there are 2 options under Connections
- Internal Database URL - use this from within render
- External Database URL - use this if you connect to the render database from you PC using
Connect to the remote database using psql
using the External Database URL using psql <External Database URL>
Create a schema called CRUD
using this command:
create schema CRUD;
You can read me about PostgreSQL Schemas here.
Setup an environment variable in render called DATABASE_URL
, to allow your app to link to the database on Render.
Do this:
- Inside of you Render app click on
on the left. - Set it to the
psql URL
of the database that you created in render.
Note that the application is using two environment variables to be able to deploy to Heroku
- The PORT number of the app -
(Render will set this) - And the DATABASE_URL the app should use -
(You need to set this).
Look at the products-api.js
file in the api
folder to see how to create an simple API. And API endpoint returns JSON to the client using the HttpResponse Objects json
result: 'success'
The API end point is running at http://localhost:3000/api/products.
The client.js
file in the public folder is using the API. It calls the API and renders the resulting JSON data to the screen using HandlebarsJS.
Go to http://localhost:3000/client.html to see the screen using the API in action. It uses axios to call the API endpoints using HTTP.