#Simple filegen Generates HTML pages from files in a single directory.
-v verbose
-r randomize files
-d directory with files to generate from. Uses audio/ by default
-f number of files to generate from
-n number of folders to create to hold HTML files
-p number of HTML files per generated folder
A folder named html in the working directory. This will contain a specified number of randomly named folders (-n) with the specified number of HTML files (-p) in each.
A document named html_dirs.txt in the working directory. This will contain a list of the relative paths to the randomly named directories.
A document named html_files.txt in the working directory. This will contain a list of relative paths to the individual html files.
An HTML file named index.html in the working directory. This webpage will contain a list of anchor tags linking to the rest of the generated webpages.
make ftoh
./ftoh -rv -d audio -f 3500 -n 35 -p 100
####Thank You
Look at the Makefile for more rules including make nginx which will copy the generated folders and files to folder /usr/share/nginx/filegen/