Containerized nightvision CLI for running API Envy Swagger Extraction on windows.
# clone vulny app
git clone
cd java-github-actions-demo/
# log in through local cli to produce a token
nightvision login
# start the nightvision-cli container with the cli ready to go
# and access to the local codebase of "java-github-actions-demo"
docker run -v $(pwd):/mnt -it --env "NIGHTVISION_TOKEN=$(nightvision token create)" cohenaj194/nightvision-cli
# create an app and target if none exist
nightvision app create -n $APP
nightvision target create -n $APP -u $URL --type api
# extract swagger openapi-spec.yml that will appear in the local development environment and container
nightvision swagger extract ./ -t $APP --lang spring