Please note, this was developed/tested under RT/3.8.8
Usage: rt <subcommand> [globaloptions] [options]
Sub-commands (rt <subcommand> -h)
GET: Pull Individual Ticket Data
UDPATE: Update Individual Ticket Data
CREATE: Create a Ticket
SEARCH: Search for tickets with given criteria
Global Options
-config [string]: Alt config file (~/.rt.d/config)
-user [string]: Specify username for Endpoint
-e [string]: Endpoint (ie:
The Global Options and more are able to be stored in a config file of your choosing. The default config file is located under /home/username/.rt.d/config
and can be changed by using the -config flag. Inside the config file you may specify a few 'sticky' settings:
You can throw server settings:
username: jsmith
password: secret
as well, you can add formatting settings which come in handy using GET when you only want to see specifc information about a ticket:
summaryFields: Queue,Status,Subject,Created,Creator
as well as aliases for queues you use:
Usage: rt get [globaloptions] -t <ticketnum> [options]
Global Options
-config [string]: Alt config file (~/.rt.d/config)
-user [string]: Specify username for Endpoint
-e [string]: Endpoint (ie:
-f: Specify Custom Fields for Summary (csv,list)
-t: Ticket Number (required)
-p: Show Ticket History
-c: Show Ticket Comments
-a: List Ticket Attachments
-l: List Related Tickets
-v: Dump All Ticket Data
-s: Show Ticket Summary (default)
The GET function is really just a way to 'read' ticket information when you have a subject ticket. You must specify -t [int]
to choose a ticket to get information about. If no flags other than -t are chosen, the program will assume you just want a summary. If you only want to see one field you may specify -f FieldName,Queue
to only show the selected field(s). The -l
option will make an API call for each related ticket, showing the relationship, ticket number and Subject of Linked tickets.
Usage: rt search [globaloptions] [options]
Global Options
-config [string]: Alt config file (~/.rt.d/config)
-user [string]: Specify username for Endpoint
-e [string]: Endpoint (ie:
-d: Only show URL (dry run)
-o [string]: Query Tickets by Owner (csv,list)
-q [string]: Query Tickets by Queue (csv,list)
-s [string]: Query Tickets by Status (csv,list)
-t [string]: Query Tickets by Title (csv,list)
ie: rt search -o jsmith,jdoe -s new,open -q q1,q2
ie: rt search -s open -t 'text 1',txt,'text 2'
The SEARCH function is a quick way to query tickets matching criteria. All criteria is hardcoded to {Owner or Owner} AND {Queue or Queue} AND {Status or Status} AND {Title or Title}
This will then pull a list of tickets matching specified criteria. As with most flags here, you can specify a comma seperated list to query. Also to note, the -d
option allows you to just pull the query link (your password will be plain-text!)
For example: find all tickets matching PROBLEM and owned by john or jack: rt search -t PROBLEM -o john,jack
This is not yet developed or scoped, Soon to come!
Scope of Function:
Change Queues
Change Status
Change Priority
Change Ownership (include stealing)
Change Subject
Add Comment
Change Custom Fields
Append Custom Fields
Merge Tickets
Link Tickets
Unlink Tickets