Accessing the API of the List & Label Reporting Tool from Java is not directly possible, because it is a native C++ API. Therefore you need a Translation-Layer to communicate from Java to List & Label (C++) and back to Java. This is achieved by using the Jave Native Interface (JNI) which is a standard programming interface for writing Java native methods. See also Java Native Interface - Wikipedia.
This repository contains a Visual Studio C++ project for such a Translation-Layer and its output generates a JNI Wrapper DLL. Additionally, the necessary Java (Declaration) files are also included. Inside of your Java application source code you can simply access the List & Label native APIs like this:
// Create object for accessing the JNI of List & Label
CmbtLL?? Ll = new CmbtLL??();
// Typical native API call of List & Label: call LlJobOpen to start working
int nLLJob_ = Ll.LlJobOpen(CmbtLL??.CMBTLANG_DEFAULT);
// Do something interesting with List & Label:
// register your data, call the designer or run an export task
// all this is also shown in the Java programming samples included in the trial version
// Typical native API call of List & Label: call LlJobClose to cleanup used ressources
- The fundamentals of course: calling the Designer and printing or exporting with options
- Working with one report container in a Designer project
- Using relations, sortings and groupings
- Real data preview and export within the Designer
- Report parameters for filtering
- Accessing Designer projects with the DOM (Document Object Model) API from source code at runtime
- Both x86 and x64 support
We're happy to receive pull requests for any improvements on this repository.
Further fields of interest include:
- Own Designer functions, objects and actions
- Drilldown-reporting and expandable regions
- Implementation of the ILlDataProvider Interface enables a lot more features like
- using multiple report containers per Designer project
- nested tables
- autosize for column widths
- printing columns across-down
- etc.
- Windows DEVMODE structure support for calling LlSetPrinterInPrinterFile for special printer settings
List & Label is our Reporting Tool for Software Developers for desktop, web and cloud applications. For further information and a fully functional free 30-day trial version please visit our website.
Please contact us at [email protected] with any additional feedback.