Using pathogen plugin (to set unobstrusive plugins)
- Align => Alignments of code
- bufexplorer => Explorer of buffer
- check-syntax => Plugin which check automatically syntax of files (works for php and some other languages)
- comment => Plugin to comment
- javascript => Javascript helper
- jinja => Jinja/Twig Syntax highliting
- jQuery => jQuery helper
- nerdtree => Tree of project
- pathogen => use plugins as bundle to be unobstrusive and clean.
- php-doc => php doc for classes, methods, vars
- php => php default plugin to implement some tools (colorization, highlight)
- phpcs => php code sniffer implemented on vim
- ragtag => html tips
- snipMate => As on textmate, easily add shortcut to create snippets
- supertab => Some function for
- [symfony][symfony] => Shortcuts for symfony 1 shell
- vim-colors-solarized => Vim theme
- vim-cucumber => syntax highlighting
- vim-fugitive => git tools
- vim-indent-object => Text Objects based on Indentation Level
- vim-markdown => Markdown tools
- vim-rspec => Enable the use of the spec command inside Vim
- vim-surround => Delete/change/add parentheses/quotes/XML-tags/much more with ease
- vim-unimpaired => Pairs of handy bracket mappings
- zencoding-vim => Zencoding for vim
let g:php_path="/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/bin/php" " used by symfony1 bundle to get great php to call symfony1 commands
let g:pdv_cfg_Author="Stephane PY <py.stephane1(at)>" " change the authorname for phpdoc
let g:NERDTreeShowHidden=1 " show hidden files on nerdtree
coloscheme symfony
- CTRL + C -> to comment line(s) selected
- CTRL + X -> to uncomment line(s) selected
- CTRL + Y -> Open NerdTree nafication
- CTRL + F -> Ack (search on project)
- CTRL + P -> document a method, class, var
- CTRL + K -> Launch php code sniffer
- CTRL + W then (key) -> Align lines on key, check on AlignPlugin
- CTRL + H -> Adding namespace of a file and the class name (php 5.3)
- F5 -> Seeing buffer explorer
- \s (symfony command) -> symfony1
- :Symfony command -> symfony1
@todo Write documentation
One Shot:
wget --no-check-certificate -O ./ && chmod +x ./ && ./
git clone git://
cd server-config && git submodule init && git submodule update
ln -s server-config/.vim ~/.vim
ln -s server-config/.vim/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
ln -s server-config/bash/.bashrc_**recette or prod** ~/.bashrc
git submodule foreach git pull .