- Crypto module for password encryption. Depending on the method you want to use, you need to install one of the following packages: pip install pycryptodome pip install cryptography
- setuptools for upload and download of Nexus artifacts pip install setuptools
- Create a virtualenv
- Run: python3 supporting/encryption.py Output: Hello encrypted world!
- All components expect a deploylist text file as input. You should keep deploylists in your source code Git. Suggested location: //config/ where is the base location within your Git, is your submodule (if any), and is the text file that contains the items to be deployed. For example: /demo/config/oracle_deploylist.txt /demo/config/infa_deploylist.txt
- The python scripts use environment variables to determine locations, features and many other parameters. The environment variables that can or at times must be set can be found in:
- generalSettings: log directory, artifact directory, configuration directory and more
- infaSettings: deploy list location, Informatica source and target variables like INFA_HOME, location infacmd, connectivity to domain and Model Repository
- dbSettings: deploy list location, location of sql files, sqlprefix
Check the examples folder for more info on the structure of deploy lists.