This repository contains "Conversion Rules" code samples that use groovy and Control-M Self Conversion API to convert sample demo input data into Control-M Data. You can also view these conversion rules code samples from the Control-M Self Conversion homepage in the “sample_project”. You can use these conversion rules code samples to learn different script rules structures and learn how you can use the Control-M Self Conversion API to create Control-M data, such as Folders, Jobs, Hierarchy, Conditions, and different job types (like OS Command jobs SAP R3, File transfer, Informatica and more).
For more information, see Control-M Self Conversion and the Control-M Self Conversion API online documentation.
To download the latest Control-M Self Conversion, go to:
For Control-M Self Conversion Training Video click Here.
- SampleData - A folder that holds demo tool sample Input Data in XML format that we want to convert to Control-M data.
- MappingLogic.xlsx - The mapping logic used for conversion in this sample, from the demo tool sample input data to Control-M data.
- ConversionRules.json - The Demo Tool Conversion Rules json file that contains the Self Converion rules code.
- ControlM_Result.xml - The Control-M data created by the Self Converion when converting the Demo tool sample data using the Demo Tool conversion rules.
<JOB Name="JOB1">Job Text</JOB>
Above sample contains:
- BOX Element that has child JOB Element.
- JOB Element contains an "Name" attribute with value "JOB1"
- JOB Element text value is "Job Text"
Demo Tool Data | Control-M Data |
BOX Element | Smart Folder |
BOX "Box_Name" Attribute value | Smart Folder name |
JOB Element | Job |
JOB "Name" Attribute value | Job Name |
JOB Element with Attribute "TYPE=OS" | OS Job |
JOB "Command" Attribute value | OS Job - Command |
JOB "UserName" Attribute value | OS Job - Run As |
JOB Element with Attribute "TYPE=SAP" | SAP R3 Job |
JOB > saptask > jobname Element text | SAP R3 Job - SAP Job Name |
JOB "UserName" Attribute value | SAP R3 Job - Connection Profile |
JOB > saptask > step > abap | SAP R3 Job - ABAP Step |
JOB Element with Attribute "TYPE=SAPBW" | SAP BW Job |
JOB "UserName" Attribute value | SAP BW Job - Connection Profile |
JOB > saptask > ProcessChain | SAP BW Job - Process Chain |
JOB Element with Attribute "TYPE=MFT" | File Transfer Job |
JOB "UserName" Attribute value | File Transfer Job - Connection Profile |
JOB > transfer | File Transfer Job - Transfer Attributes |
Hierarchy: BOX > JOB | Smart Folder parent of Job |
- Clone or download the repository.
- Open Control-M Self Conversion.
- Import the Demo Tool Conversion Rules json file.
- Create a new Self Conversion project:
- Enter a project name.
- Load the Demo Tool Sample Input Data.
- In "Use existing conversion rules" dropdown list, select the conversion rules imported in step 3.
- Click "Create Project".
- Click Run.
- Review the conversion results.
To contribute, please follow these guidelines.
Every conversion and its associated files must be contained in its own folder. Name this folder as the name of the tool that you convert from.
The folder should contain:
- SampleData - A folder that holds tool sample Input Data in XML format that we want to convert to Control-M data.
- MappingLogic.xlsx - The mapping logic used for conversion in this sample, from the tool sample input data to Control-M data.
- ConversionRules.json - The tool Conversion Rules json file that contains the Self Converion rules code.
- ControlM_Result.xml - The Control-M data created by the Self Converion when converting the tool sample data using the Demo Tool conversion rules.
Include a file that explains the sample. A good description helps other community members to understand your sample. The uses Github Flavored Markdown for formatting text.