This release introduces initial support for events! Events in the Corona Network represent real world meetups: house party, office meeting, girls night out, etc. Their purpose is to anonymously link multiple people together, so that they may notify each other about potential infection risks.
For a full description head over to the event spec.
Interesting resources:
Basic operations currently supported (exposed via Ghost Bridge):
- Creating a new cryptographic user
POST https://corona-network/profile
- Setting a profile for the local user
PUT https://corona-network/profile
- Retrieving the profile of the local user
GET https://corona-network/profile
- Setting an avatar for the local user
PUT https://corona-network/profile/avatar
- Retrieving the avatar of the local user
GET https://corona-network/profile/avatar
- Deleting the avatar of the local user
DELETE https://corona-network/profile/avatar
- Nuking the cryptographic user (and all data)
DELETE https://corona-network/profile
Networking operations currently supported:
- Enable the decentralized gateway
PUT https://corona-network/gateway
- Retrieve the decentralized gateway status
GET https://corona-network/gateway
- Disable the decentralized gateway
DELETE https://corona-network/gateway
Contact operations currently supported:
- Initiate a local pairing with a remote contact
POST https://corona-network/pairing
- Join a remote initiated pairing session (blocks)
PUT https://corona-network/pairing
- Wait for a locally initiated pairing to finish (blocks)
GET https://corona-network/pairing
- Retrieve the list of currently paired contacts
GET https://corona-network/contacts
- Retrieve the profile of a contact
GET https://corona-network/contacts/{id}/profile
- Override the profile of a contact
PUT https://corona-network/contacts/{id}/profile
- Retrieve the avatar of a contact
GET https://corona-network/contacts/{id}/profile/avatar
- Nuking a remote contact (and all data)
DELETE https://corona-network/contacts/{id}
Event operations currently supported:
- Organize a new event
POST https://corona-network/events/hosted
- Retrieve the list of hosted events
GET https://corona-network/events/hosted
- Retrieve the statistics of a hosted event
GET https://corona-network/events/hosted/{id}
- Conclude a locally hosted event
DELETE https://corona-network/events/hosted/{id}
- Retrieve the banner of a hosted event
GET https://corona-network/events/hosted/{id}/banner
- Update the banner of a hosted event
PUT https://corona-network/events/hosted/{id}/banner
- Delete the banner of a hosted event
DELETE https://corona-network/events/hosted/{id}/banner
- Initiate a checkin to a hosted event
POST https://corona-network/events/hosted/{id}/checkin
- Wait for a checkin to finish (blocks)
GET https://corona-network/events/hosted/{id}/checkin
- Check in to a remote event
POST https://corona-network/events/joined
- Retrieve the list of joined events
GET https://corona-network/events/joined
- Retrieve the statistics of a joined event
GET https://corona-network/events/joined/{id}
- Retrieve the banner of a joined event
GET https://corona-network/events/joined/{id}/banner
For details on the API calls, please check the v0.0.5 REST API spec.