Système de visualisation pour l’annotation web de cartographie de réseau
- CorText Graphs" is a Free Software under GNU AGPL made by the Cortext research team at IFRIS Université Paris-Est
- install and configure Meteor version >= 0.5.0
curl | /bin/sh
- supported platforms
- clone this repository
- start on http://localhost:3000
on servers, eg. on
meteor deploy cortext
on your own server with node >= 0.8 and MongoDB:
meteor bundle myapp.tgz
log into your server PORT=3000 MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/cortextgraphs node bundle/main.js
directory contains public static files served a the server's root pathclient
contains all the client-side HTML, Javascript and CSS of this applicationserver
contains files containing server-side data collections: for now its only anotes
- It's a single page application build upon Backbone.js
- It's driven by the Meteor framework, including (but not only) MongoDB and Handlebars templates
- Graph visualization is handled by Sigma.js leveraging HTML5's CANVAS
- note that a slightly modified version of sigma.js has been developed to support the cluster's layer need for this application