First time learning experience using the Goa framework for designing and developing a simple calculator microservice in Go.
To generate:
goa gen -o goa-calc
To generate the example:
goa example -o goa-calc
The following code was added to the multiplication service implementation:
// Multiply two integers a and b and get the result in the response's body.
func (s *calcsrvc) Multiply(ctx context.Context, p *calc.MultiplicationPayload) (res string, err error) {
a := big.NewInt(p.A)
b := big.NewInt(p.B)
return a.Mul(a, b).String(), nil
Build the executable of the service:
go build ./goa-calc/cmd/calc
Run the service:
./calc -debug -http-port 8080
rm -rf goa-calc/gen