You'll need a set of ip addresses to create the K8s cluster.
Optionally use the infra-provisioning to provision machines (eg. Equinix Metal)
docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra-deps:latest --file Dockerfile.deps .
docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest .
Note: You must have either 3 or more masters. It doesn't matter how many workers you have.
docker run -v $(pwd):/k8s-infra:latest -v -ti kubespray /bin/bash
Inside of the container:
./k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=stable --master-hosts "<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>" --worker-hosts "<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>,<your-ip-address>" -o /tmp/test.yml; \
./k8sinfra provision --config-file '/tmp/test.yml'"
Save the resulting kubeconfig file to your local development machine.
docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra-deps:latest --file Dockerfile.deps .
docker build -t crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest .
docker push crosscloudci/k8s-infra-deps:latest
docker push crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest
docker run -e <env var>=<env data> -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest -p 4001:4001
docker ps
docker exec -ti <name of container> /bin/bash
docker exec -ti <name of container> ifconfig
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --master-hosts ",," --worker-hosts ",,"
Test manually adding ip addresses with generated cluster yml and provision generation with head release type
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest /bin/bash -c "k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=head --master-hosts ",," --worker-hosts ",," -o /tmp/test.yml; \
k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file '/tmp/test.yml' --dry-run"
Test manually adding ip addresses with generated cluster yml and provision generation with stable release type
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest /bin/bash -c "k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=stable --master-hosts ",," --worker-hosts ",," -o /tmp/test.yml; \
k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file '/tmp/test.yml' --dry-run"
To test with the gitlab integration (to get the source IPs from gitlab instead of manually providing them), you can use one of the following two options:
Pre-req: Successful provision Packet machines using infra-provisioning Option 1: use existing pipeline
Go to Find a successful pipeline and open the release job. Under the artifacts section select browse, then download the nodes.env file under the top-level Terraform directory. example url path: Option 2: run new pipeline
Go to Select run pipeline, then create a pipeline against the production branch. Once the job has finished open the release job. Under the artifacts section select browse, then download the nodes.env file under the top-level Terraform directory. example url path:
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=stable --infra-job=168517
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --release-type=head --infra-job=168517
Saving to a file
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra generate_config --infra-job=168517 -o /tmp/cluster.yml
Error message if cluster.yml structure is not valid
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file=k8s-infra/example_hosts-invalid_syntax.yml
Error message if cluster.yml structure is not valid
docker run -ti crosscloudci/k8s-infra:latest k8s-infra/bin/k8sinfra provision --config-file=k8s-infra/example_hosts-invalid_structure.yml
Develop with rspec with the installed kubespray dependencies by mapping the k8s-infra directory into the container and running rspec spec
docker run -v $(pwd):/k8s-infra -v /home/pair/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/.ssh/id_rsa -ti kubespray /bin/bash