Python wrapper to interact with TCL command line interfaces. In most cases, tkinter (with the send command) is enough but sometimes it is convenient to interact directly with the tcl cli provided by applications.
If you want to just install the tclwrapper package, you should be able to using the following command:
$ pip3 install tclwrapper
As an example, here is some code that interfaces with GTKWave's TCL interface:
from tclwrapper import TCLWrapper
with TCLWrapper('gtkwave', '-W') as tcl:
tcl.eval('gtkwave::loadFile %s' % filename)
tcl.eval('set num_facs [gtkwave::getNumFacs]')
signals = tcl.eval('''
set all_facs [list]
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_facs} {incr i} {
lappend all_facs [gtkwave::getFacName $i]
return $all_facs''', to_list = True)
To install this package for development, you should use a virtual environment, and install the package in editable mode using pip.
To create a virtual environment for this project, run the command below.
$ python3 -m venv path/to/new-venv-folder
To start using your new virtual environment, run the command below. This needs to be run each time you open a new terminal.
$ source path/to/new-venv-folder/bin/activate
At this point you are now using your new virtual environment.
Python packages you install in this environment will not be available outside
your virtual environment.
If you want to stop using the virtual environment, just run deactivate
To install the tclwrapper
package in editable mode, inside the
top git repository folder, run the command below.
$ pip3 install -e .