A mobile/tablet application that facilitates the resume-collection and categorization process for recruiters through digitizing and annotating paper resumes on-site and storing them in a categorized database.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
To run this application, you must have android studio installed on your machine.
You can view a step by step instructional video explaining how to install Android Studio here
You can build project by opening it, building a gradle version, then running it on your choice of device/emulator.
- Android Studio - The tools used for building the app on Android devices.
- ScanLibrary - An android document scanning library built on top of OpenCV
- CodePath - Used to implement highlighting
The demonstartion video can be installed here.
Please read the deliverables folder for details on our process, and the artifacts saved throughout the project.
Angelo Austria - angeloaustria
Dmitry Ten - Candalistic
Justine Chen - justineechen
Lana El Sanyoura - lanaelsanyoura
Musa Talluzi - MusaTalluzi
Sonata Katt - sonatata
Tanveer Gill - gilltan97
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Adam, our CSC301 TA for guiding us through the process.
- Career fairs.
- Peaches! 🍑