Uses Tabletop.js and a Google Spreadsheet to feed data to a Leaflet map template.
The map template is responsive.
Besides Tabletop.js and Leaflet, the template utilizes the Bootstrap framework.
H/T to Chris Keller for his work on his Tabletop to DataTables template.
Follow the Tabletop.js instructions for setting up the spreadsheet and publishing it.
Make sure your table includes columns titled 'latitude' and 'longitude' with lat, long values for each location. Leaflet needs these values to map our markers. Click to view the example table.
Open up the js/script.js file and add your spreadsheet ID as a value of the spreadsheet_key variable. Then rename "lat_column" and "long_column" to whatever the latitude and longitude columns in your table are called.
- You can also use Leaflet plugins with the map. One example is the Leaflet.markercluster plugin, which clusters markers that are close together. You can see an example of this here.