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Style Guide

gabeclasson edited this page Jun 21, 2023 · 2 revisions

This document details style for the creation of worksheets and worksheet problems.

Worksheet document layout

A worksheet adheres to the following format:


\discnumber{%WEEK NUMBER%}
\date{%DATE RANGE%}



\section{%SECTION TITLE%}
    \subimport{../../topics/%TOPIC%/%DIFFICULTY%/}{%PROBLEM NAME%.tex}


Each of a worksheet's topics gets its own section. Each section has its own set of numbered questions. The individual questions are imported from the question bank using subimport statements.

Meta information about the worksheet is included with the meta and questionmeta environments. This information only appears within metas, not solutions or worksheets.

Question layout

A basic question adheres to the following format:


    %code line 1%
    %code line 2%



The blocksection environment tells LaTeX to not split the question over a page break, while the \question command creates and numbers a new question. lstlisting is used to format blocks of code. The blocksection encloses the entire problem statement and solution.

The answer to the problem is displayed in a solution environment. This information only appears within metas and solutions, not worksheets.

Meta information about the question may be included in the question file with the questionmeta environment.


Questions with subparts are created using the subparts environment:


    \part %PART STATEMENT%

Metas and question metas

Use the meta environment for meta information about the entire worksheet or individual sections. Use the questionmeta environment for meta information about individual questions.

You may have noticed that questionmetas may appear in both the worksheet file and the individual question files. While these two options of where to include a questionmeta produce identical outputs, they should be used in different cases:

  • Place a questionmeta in the question file when the meta information is intrinsic to that particular problem. (e.g. tips for solving the problem)
  • Place a questionmeta in the worksheet file when the meta information has more to do with the problem's place within the broader worksheet. (e.g. timing for a question, or a suggestion that a question is not done in conjunction with another question on the worksheet) A single question may have both kinds of questionmeta.

Style for source input


  • The names of problem files in the problem bank should be lowercase and hyphen-separated: all-ways-skeleton.tex, not ALL_WAYS_SKELETON.TEX.

lstlisting and \lstinline

  • To format blocks of code, use lstlisting:

  • To format code in line, use \lstinline. Do not use \texttt to format code.

  • Do not use $ in conjunction with \lstinline unless it is absolutely necessary: \lstinline{total < limit} is preferable to \lstinline$total < limit$.

Spacing and sectioning

  • Use blocksection when you want to make a section that will never be split across multiple pages. Typically, each problem should be in its own block section, which should also include the solution for the problem. (The question meta should not be included in the blocksection for a problem.) However, long problems may need to be broken up into multiple block sections.

  • Use an empty line between paragraphs of body text:

    Paragraph 1.

    Paragraph 2.

    Do not use \\ and \\\\ for paragraph spacing. \\ produces a paragraph break that is too small, and \\\\ produces one that is too big.

  • To insert a line break without the additional space of a paragraph break, use \\.

  • solution, lstlisting, and blocksection all have automatic vertical spacing; it should not be necessary to add additional spacing.

  • By default, solution and meta result in no vertical spacing in the regular worksheet; you can add spacing in the regular worksheet (for workspace, for example) by putting a value in square brackets after.

meta and questionmeta

  • questionmeta should always be placed within a questions environment.
    • Note that all question files are eventually included in a questions environment, so questionmeta can freely be used within question files.
  • meta should never be placed within a questions environment.
  • In the past, guide was used instead of meta. meta is now preferred to guide, but they are fully equivalent and backward compatible. You may change guide to meta manually as you come across it in the problem bank.
  • It is generally unnecessary to use the blocksection environment within the meta or questionmeta environments.

Quotation marks and apostrophes

  • In body text, use a single backtick (`) for a single opening quote, a double backtick (``) for a double opening quote, a single straight apostrophe (') for a single closing quote, and a double straight apostrophe for a double closing quote ('').

    He said, ``My name is Gabe''.
  • Avoid using double quotation marks or only apostrophes for quoted words in body text, as this produces incorrect output (only closing quote marks, no opening ones). The following is incorrect:

    He said, ''My name is Gabe''.
    He said, "My name is Gabe".
  • In formatted code, you should use the single and double quotation marks as normal.

Style for content output


  • Format question metas as a series of paragraphs, not as a bulleted list of items.
  • Question metas should not have any sort of heading, such as "teaching tips". Simply go straight into the teaching tips.
  • Question metas should appear at the end of a question and after any solutions.


  • All titles, subtitles, headings, and subheadings should be in title case: What Would Python Do?


  • Use bold to emphasize key phrases and vocabulary words the first time they are used on a worksheet.
  • Due not use bolded body text to create topic headers. In most cases, these kinds of headers look ugly and add nothing to the organization of the worksheet.


  • Use American spelling conventions in all cases.
  • Use traveled instead of travelled, etc.


  • Oxford comma: use it in all cases.
  • Use hyphens (-), en (–) dashes, and em dashes (—) as appropriate. Do not insert spaces around dashes. Do not use spaced hyphens such as in I like Python - just not as a language. In LaTeX:
    • hyphens are typeset with one dash: -
    • en dashes are typeset with two dashes: --
    • em dashes are typeset with three dashes: ---
  • Punctuation that is not part of a quotation should not appear inside the quotation marks. Do not follow the American rule that terminal commas and periods should always appear inside quotes.

Code formatting

  • Code and variable names should be formatted wherever they appear, including in body text and solutions. Do not place unformatted code in solutions.
  • For problems that involve complex mathematical expressions, math formatting may be used instead of code formatting.
  • Ensure that code is not excessively indented. When using a lstlisting block, the indentation from the .tex file is preserved exactly, so lstlisting blocks should be as far left as possible, even if this makes your LaTeX look bad.


  • Use full month names and cardinal numbers for dates. November 24, 2022 is correct; Nov. 24th, 2022 is not.
  • En dashes (–) should be used for date ranges: June 19–July 4.
  • The number of a worksheet should correspond with the week number of the CS 61A course calendar.


  • That and which are different words. Use that for restrictive (defining) clauses:

    fact is a function that calculates the factorial of its input.

    Do not write this:

    fact is a function which calculates the factorial of its input.

    Use which for non-restrictive clauses that add additional information. Typically, a comma precedes which.

    fact, which takes a single argument n, is defined below.


Slides should use a standard template, which is available here.

Major Contributors: Gabe Classon