Welcome to team WriteGirl's github repo! This project is a mobile writing exercise app called Bold Ink.
In order to run the frontend, first navigate to frontend/WriteGirl/
Make sure everthing is up to date with the following command:
yarn install
Then, run the following yarn command:
yarn start
You should now see the following:
You can download expo, the Expo Go app, and scan the QR code using the Expo Go app if you’re an android user or simply use your phone camera if you're an iphone user.
Alternatively, you can open the app on a web browser for quicker testing by entering 'w'.
Further instructions on how to set up the environment, clone the repo, etc. can be found in the WriteGirl "Frontend Setup" documentation
In order to run the backend, first navigate to backend/
Open a new terminal window
Open a new terminal window Start the psql server. For mac, you can use the command
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
in your terminal. Then, open a psql shell with admin privileges. For mac, use the command
psql postgres
You should now be connected to the database and your terminal should say
You are now in the psql shell!
NOTE: For additional information on how to troubleshoot this process or run the project as a windows user, please refer to the Backend Tutorial called "Ipek Teaches Backend"
If you haven't created a database yet run the following commands, otherwise please skip this step
postgres=> CREATE DATABASE sampledb;
Now that you have created your postgres server, you can start populating it! I would recommend using Postman
Please refer to the Backend Tutorial called "Ipek Teaches Backend" in order to learn how to create new inquiries and modify existing ones
Open a new terminal window
Start the psql server. For mac, use the command
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
in your terminal. For windows, follow the tutorial. Then, open a psql shell with admin privileges. For mac, use the command
psql postgres
For windows, once again follow the tutorial.
You should now be connected to the database and your terminal should say
Now that we have the psql shell running, open a new terminal window and navigate to the backend folder
In the backend root directory, if you are a Mac user run:
yarn install
and then
yarn start
Windows users should run these commands in bash (through Windows Subsystem for Linux, aka WSL)
You can go to http://localhost:8000/api/random to make sure everything is running smoothly! When you refresh the page you should see that a random number is generated
Please refer to the backend documentation if you run into any trouble