Arduino library for integrating with a subset of the Spotify Web-API (Does not play music)
🚧 Work in Progress! Expect Changes 🚧
This library was designed to work on ESP32 based boards. Through Platform IO however, it's possible that this library will work on your board! Please feel free to check and add it to the list below. These names are from the platform io board registry.
- ESP32
- featheresp32
- adafruit_feather_esp32_v2
The Library supports the following features:
- Get Authentication Tokens
- Getting your currently playing track
- Player Controls:
- Next
- Previous
- Seek
- Play (basic version, basically resumes a paused track)
- Play Advanced (play given song, album, artist)
- Pause
- Set Volume (doesn't seem to work on my phone, works on desktop though)
- Set Repeat Modes
- Toggle Shuffle
- Get Devices
- Search Spotify Library
- Examples
- Tests
- Ensuring Code Authentication with Client ID and Client Secret still work
This is a fork of
Check out the original library if you are interested it.
- Better documentation (still working on this).
- Added more functions for ease of use.
- Using HTTPClient instead of TCPClient, makes it much easier to maintain.
- Binary sizes may decrease by multiple percent.
- Changed logging, oriented to ESP32.
- Simplifications.
Here are my points on why I forked:
- I wanted PKCE authentication support
- I really liked the groundwork this library laid
- My changes were far too much for a pull request
- More up-to-date HTTPClient/WiFiClient
- I wanted to change lots more things...
- Sign into the Spotify Developer page
- Create a new application. (name it whatever you want)
- You will need to use the "client ID" and "client secret" from this page in your sketches
- You will also need to add a callback URI for authentication process by clicking "Edit Settings", what URI to add will be mentioned in further instructions
If you are just learning about Spotify's authentication methods there are multiple ways to get a user authenticated. I'm only going to list the ones that this library supports.
Use this method when it is safe to store the client secret. You can authenticate users from a distance.
- Requirements
- Requires a Client ID
- Requires a Client Secret
Use this method when it is unsafe to store the client secret, as a rule of thumb: If it's in the users hand you're Client Secret isn't safe, users can and will fuck you.
- Requirements
- Requires a Client ID
- Does not require a Client Secret
Spotify requires the use of a webserver if you want a complete self contained device that can authenticate properly. Luckily the ESP32 and other boards can run webservers and other things.
This library makes it much easier to authenticate with Spotify and send requests from your device to the Spotify API.
#include <WiFiClientSecure.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <HTTPClient.h>
#include <AsyncWebServer.h>
#include <SpotifyArduino.h>
#define SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_CALLBACK "http%3A%2F%2Fesp32.local%2Fcallback"
WiFiClientSecure wifiClient;
HTTPClient httpClient;
AsyncWebServer server(80);
SpotifyArduino spotify(wifiClient, httpClient, SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID);
setup() {
/* ... CONNECT TO WIFI HERE ... */
server.on("/", [](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
spotify.generateRedirectForPKCE(url, sizeof(url), SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_CALLBACK);
std::atomic<bool> authenticated(false);
server.on("/callback", [&authenticated](AsyncWebServerRequest* request){
String code = "";
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < request->args(); i++) {
if (request->argName(i) == "code") {
code = request->arg(i);
log_i("Recieved code from spotify: %s", code.c_str());
const char *refreshToken = NULL;
refreshToken = spotify.requestAccessTokens(code.c_str(), SpotifyScope::eUserReadCurrentlyPlaying, SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_CALLBACK, true);
if (!refreshToken) {
request->send("text/plain", "Could not authenticate, try again.");
} else {
request->send("text/plain", "Successfully authenticated.");
authenticated = true;
while(!authenticated) yield();
/* We are authenticated now! */
Wow! That's a lot,
and you'd be right if you thought that just now. Spotify requires a lot just to authenticate. If you are thinking about building you're own project and this turns you off because of requirements or it's too much, I don't blame you! Spotify is a secure but difficult API to use and manage.
Spotify's Authentication flow requires a webserver to complete, but it's only needed once to get your refresh token. Your refresh token can then be used in all future sketches to authenticate.
Because the webserver is only needed once, you can choose to do it only at setup time or something else.
This example has an annotated version in the examples examples/authentication.
Note: Once you have a refresh token, you can use it on either platform in your sketches, it is not tied to any particular device.
Take one of the included examples and update it with your WiFi creds, Client ID, Client Secret and the refresh token you just generated.
By default the getRefreshToken examples will include the required scopes, but if you want change them the following info might be useful.
put a %20
between the ones you need.
Feature | Required Scope |
Current Playing Song Info | user-read-playback-state |
Player Controls | user-modify-playback-state |
Download zip from Github and install to the Arduino IDE using that.
- V6 of Arduino JSON - can be installed through the Arduino Library manager.
There are some flags that you can set in the SpotifyArduino.h
that can help with debugging
// Enables extra debug messages on the serial.
// Will be disabled by default when library is released.
// NOTE: Do not use this option on live-streams, it will reveal your private tokens!
// Prints the JSON received to serial (only use for debugging as it will be slow)
// Requires the installation of ArduinoStreamUtils (