Trailerpark is a blog.
On the horizon. Lacks basic features such as creating articles, so don't crack open the Coors Light just yet.
- Edit tp.conf. Make some changes.
- Run "./ --install", this will create the database, some views and maybe a doc or two.
- Run "./"
- No software installation at this point, just run it from the source directory.
- Tornado isn't configured to serve static resources, so you'll need to run it behind a webserver (such as Nginx).
Nginx is recommended. Here's a basic Nginx configuration for Trailerpark:
server { listen 80; server_name localhost _; access_log /var/log/nginx/trailerpark-access_log; error_log /var/log/nginx/trailerpark-error_log info; root /var/www/trailerpark/static; location / { try_files $uri @tornado; } location @tornado { include proxy_params; proxy_pass; } location /plugins { location ~ \.py[c~]?|\.b~? { return 404; } root /var/www/trailerpark; } location = /favicon.ico { return 404; } }