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Queue Documentation

This extension provides a higher level API for managing routes and sending/receiving messages. It is based on the pure PHP implementation of the "Advanced Message Queuing Protocol" (AMQP): "videlalvaro/php-amqplib" ( As a rolemodel the spring-amqp project ( has to be mentioned.


Use the ExtensionManager to install the extension and configure a basic connection.

To override the default connection config simply modify the global connection-configuration array (eg. by placing it in the typo3conf/localconf.php or typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php):

$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXT']['extConf']['amqp/connectionFactory'] = array(
	'className' => 'Tx_Amqp_Messaging_AMQPConnectionFactory',
	'options' => array(
			'username' => 'guest',
			'password' => 'guest',
			'host' => 'localhost',
			'vhost' => '/',

The provided class (className) must implement Tx_Amqp_Messaging_AMQPConnectionFactoryInterface. The options-array (options) is passed via setOptions() method to the concrete Factory implementation (see Tx_Amqp_Messaging_AMQPConnectionFactory).


To test the basic configuration use the Reports module.

Sample Usage

For a deeper understanding of the AMQP, please refer to the specification (

The following sections cover the basic usage of the API.

Following core components exist:

  • ConnectionFactory: for creating the configured connections
  • AMQPAdmin: for managing queues, exchanges and bindings
  • AMQPService: for sending and receiving messages
  • AMQPMessageListener: for asynchronous message consumption

Here's how to instantiate them:

// get the configured connection factory
$connectionFactory = Tx_Amqp_Util_ConfigurationHelper::getConnectionFactory();

// create an AMQP Service instance (for sending and receiving messages)
$amqpService = new Tx_Amqp_Messaging_AMQPService();

// create an AMQP Admin instance (for managing queues, exchanges and bindings)
$admin = new Tx_Amqp_Messaging_AMQPAdmin($amqpService);

// create an asynchronous message listener
$listener = new Tx_Amqp_Messaging_AMQPMessageListener($connectionFactory);


The administration service component is for managing queues, exchanges and bindings.

Managing Queues

A queue can be declared as follows:

// create a durable, non-exclusive autodelete Queue named 'my_queue'
$queue = new Tx_Amqp_Messaging_Queue('my_queue', TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);

..or even with a more fluent API:

// you can even declare a queue with a more fluent API
$queue = Tx_Amqp_Messaging_Queue::create('my_queue')

A queue can be emptied and/or deleted:

// purge the queue

// delete the queue

A temporary non-exclusive, durable autoDelete queue can be declared by omiting the queue-description parameter. The queue-description of the server-generated queue is then returned.

// to declare a temporary queue (generated by the server) simply omit the $queue parameter
$queue = $admin->declareQueue();


Managing Exchanges

For declaring exchanges the following exchange-types can be used:

  • Tx_Amqp_Messaging_HeadersExchange

  • Tx_Amqp_Messaging_DirectExchange

  • Tx_Amqp_Messaging_FanoutExchange

  • Tx_Amqp_Messaging_TopicExchange

  • Tx_Amqp_Messaging_CustomExchange

    // declare a durable, autodelete direct exchange $admin->declareExchange(new Tx_Amqp_Messaging_DirectExchange('my_direct_exchange', TRUE, TRUE));

    // delete an exchange $admin->deleteExchange('my_direct_exchange');

Managing Bindings

Bindings define the routing between exchanges and queues (or exchanges) by connecting them.

Assume we've already declared a queue 'my_queue' and an exchange named 'my_direct_exchange' - here's how we setup a binding using a routingKey 'my_routing_key':

$binding = new Tx_Amqp_Messaging_Binding('my_queue', Tx_Amqp_Messaging_Binding::DESTINATION_QUEUE, 'my_direct_exchange', 'my_routing_key');

To delete a binding the same binding-description needs to be passed along:


Sending and receiving messages

Since it is not possible to send messages to non existing queues or exchanges we assume that the following exchanges/queues already exist.


Since every declared queue is automatically bound to the AMQP default exchange '' with a routingKey that matches the name of the queue we are able to send a message to a queue:

// send a message to the queue 'my_queue' by using the default exchange '' and the routingKey 'my_queue'
$amqpService->send(new \PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage('a test message'), '', 'my_queue');

Receive (polling)

The receive works in a synchronous way by polling the given queue. If no message is found NULL is returned:

// poll (and acknowledge) a message from a queue named 'my_queue'
$message = $amqpService->receive('my_queue');
// returns the next message or NULL if no message was found


// send and receive (RPC exchange)
try {
 	// set timeout to 3 seconds
	$result = $amqpService->sendAndReceive(new \PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage('test message'), '', 'my_queue');

	// ...

} catch(PhpAmqpLib\Exception\AMQPTimeoutException $e) {
	// is thrown if the remote service did not respond in time

Asynchronous Receive

$listener = new Tx_Amqp_Messaging_AMQPMessageListener($connectionFactory);
$listener->listen('my_queue', function(\PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage $message) {

	// process message
	echo $message->body;

	// skip listening


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