released this
02 Aug 15:57
[2.2] (2024-08-02)
Replace isnull by nullable attribute for database type
Database VB : add new template database-vb-ado.xslt and sql-vb-ado.xslt to generate Visual Basic .Net wrapper
Unify isnull and nullable for database type
sql-csharp-ado.xslt : Read data asyn (await reader.ReadAsync())
Rename template to use this rules:
database or sql: use database for template to apply to all database and use sql for template to apply on SQL queries
language: charp, vb, ...
type: ado
Template available :
database-csharp-ado.xslt : generate a database helper from schema xml in C# ADO
database-vb-ado.xslt : generate a database helper from schema xml in Visual Basic ADO
sql-cshapr-ado.xslt : generate a SQL query wrapper from schema xml and SQL query in C# ADO
sql-vb-ado.xslt : generate a SQL query wrapper from schema xml and SQL query in Visual Basic ADO
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