class ChallengeInfo(UserDict):
def agree_with(self, header):
return self[header.block_height]
last_submit_block_height = None
challenge_info = ChallengeInfo()
while chain.submit_headers: # check there is a game
for _, header in chain.submit_headers:
if !validation(header): # find the block is not correct
challenge_info[header.block_height] = false
last_submit_block_height = header.block_height
break # now the game start, and then just watching the next sampling block
while chain.next_sampling_block_height:
if chain.next_sampling_block_height != last_submit_block_height: # This means the next sampling has updated
next_sampling_block_is_valid = check_the_block_on_chain_correct_or_not(chain.next_sampling_block_height, chain.submit_headers)
if next_sampling_block_is_valid is not None:
challenge_info[chain.next_sampling_block_height] = next_sampling_block_is_valid
last_submit_block_height = header.block_height
def check_the_block_on_chain_correct_or_not(block_height, headers):
for h in headers:
if h.block_height == block_height
return validate(h)
return None # relayer still not submit yet, keep waiting