# game status stored on chain
submit_headers = OrderedDefaultdict(list) # implement __missing__ for OrderedDict, than you can get this type
next_sampling_block_height = None
last_comfirm_block_height = 0 # the block height of gensis
challege_time_in_blocks = 100 # wait 100 blocks for challenge time, here is a simplify constant waiting time
def header_submit_by_relayer(header):
if header.block_height in submit_headers.keys() and submit_headers[header.block_height][0].challenge_block_height < current_block_height:
return Err("Block is comfirmed")
elif submit_headers.keys() and header.block_height != next_sampling_block_height:
return Err("Submission is not a next_sampling block")
relayer = ensure_signed() # this function will return the identity of the relayer
if header not in submit_headers[header.block_height]: # implement __equal__ to check only the block info but not relayers and challenge_block_height
if validate(relayer, header, submit_headers): # validate header and check not contradictory
if submit_headers.keys():
last_challenge_wait_block_height = submit_headers[submit_headers.keys()[-1]][0].challenge_block_height
last_challenge_wait_block_height = current_block_height
header.challenge_block_height = last_challenge_wait_block_height + challege_time_in_blocks
header.relayers = [relayer]
if len(submit_headers[header.block_height]) == 2: # dispute occure, more than one submit the same block height
next_sampling_block_height = in_the_middle_of(last_comfirm_block_height, header.block_height)
def offchain_worker():
""" the proccess will called for each block based on substrate """
last_submit_block_height = submit_headers.keys()[-1]
if len(submit_headers[last_submit_block_height]) == 1 and
submit_headers[last_submit_block_height][0].challenge_block_height < current_block_height:
honest_relayers = submit_headers[last_submit_block_height].relayers
if no_uncomfirm_blocks():
def close_game()
"""update the last comfirm block and reset the status on chain"""
last_comfirm_block_height = submit_headers[submit_headers.keys()[0]].block_height
submit_headers = OrderDefaultdict(list)
next_sampling_block_height = None
def validate(relayer, header, submit_headers):
"""validate the block"""
# 1. basic block information check, for example, validate mix_hash, difficulty, in ethereum
# 2. check the block in not controversy with the blocks in `submit_headers` and submited by `relayer`