var manager = require( 'nginx-manager' )
var smallConfig = manager.parse( 'server / { proxy_buffers 4 32k; }' );
var fileConfig = manager.parse( fs.readFileSync( 'default.conf', 'utf8' ) );
var b = manager.newBlock();
// Add statements to the global scope
b.addStatement( 'user', 'root' ).addStatement( 'worker_processes', 2 ).addStatement( 'error_log', '/var/log/log.log', 'info' );
// Add recursive blocks
var h = b.addBlock( 'http' );
h.addStatement( 'gizp', 'on' ).addStatement( 'gzip_min_length', 100 ).addStatement( 'gzip_buffers', 4, '8k' );
// Null blocks simply group arguments.
h.addBlock( ).addStatement( 'sendfile', 'on' ).addStatement( 'tcp_nopush', 'on' ).addStatement( 'tcp_nodelay', 'on' );
var s = h.addBlock( 'server' );
s.addStatement( 'listen', 80 ).addStatement( 'server_name', '', '' ).addStatement( 'error_page', 404, '/404.html' );
// You can just pass in strings with spaces if you want.
var home = s.addBlock( 'location / ' );
home.addStatement( 'proxy_pass', '' ).addStatement( 'proxy_redirect', 'off' ).addStatement( 'proxy_set_header', 'Host $host' );
// Pass in arrays for extra speed.
var images = s.addBlock( 'location ~* \\.(jpg|jpeg|gif)$' );
images.addStatement( 'access_log', [ 'var/log/nignx-images.log', 'download' ] ).addStatement( 'root', '/www/images' );
console.log( b.toString() );
// user root;
// worker_processes 2;
// error_log /var/log/log.log info;
// http {
// gizp on;
// gzip_min_length 100;
// gzip_buffers 4 8k;
// sendfile on;
// tcp_nopush on;
// tcp_nodelay on;
// server {
// listen 80;
// server_name;
// error_page 404 /404.html;
// location / {
// proxy_pass;
// proxy_redirect off;
// proxy_set_header Host $host;
// }
// location ~* \.(jpg|jpeg|gif)$ {
// access_log var/log/nignx-images.log download;
// root /www/images;
// }
// }
// }
var smallConfig = manager.parse( 'server / { proxy_buffers 4 32k; }' );
smallConfig.addBlock( 'location / ' ).addStatement( 'proxy_pass', '' ).addStatement( 'proxy_redirect', 'off' ).addStatement( 'proxy_set_header', 'Host $host' );