This terraform script deploys a bootstrap vm in AWS EC2 and then deploys a Tanzu Community Edition (TCE) Management Cluster and two TCE Guest Clusters It also installs portworx enterprise and deploys EBS Clouddrives to the guest clusters
If it not already exists you need to create a Tanzu cloud formation stack "tkg-cloud-vmware-com" in your AWS Account
aws cloudformation create-stack --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --stack-name tkg-cloud-vmware-com --template-body file://cloud-formation.json
If this not exists deployment will fail.
The role which credentials are used in the .tfvars file should have the following permissions
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AmazonVPCFullAccess
- a user-defined permission allowing "ec2:DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings" and "ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes"
When using S3 bucket for DR your role should have additionally following Permissions for the Bucket Ressource
- S3: List: ListBucket
- S3: Read: GetObject
- S3: Write: DeleteObject
- S3: Write: PutObject
Minimum needed options in .tfvars:
access_key = "YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
secret_access_key = "YOUR_SECRET_AWS_KEY"
deploy_key = "existing AWS key pair name"
name_prefix = "naming prefix for all elements"
In case you want the script to automatically prepare a clusterpair you'd also need to add
dr_bucket = "your S3 bucket"
px_license = "valid DR license key"
Important: S3 bucket must be in same region as your Deployment. Script will also use the same credentials to access S3 bucket
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file .tfvars
terraform apply -var-file .tfvars
when finished you can ssh into the bootstrap VM (for IP see terraform output)
Deployment of management & guest clusters will take some time (15min)
You can follow the deployment in *-tce-mgmt.log
and *-tce-guest-X.log
files. When init script is finished a file named complete
will be created.
If you want to create a clusterpair check (!) & execute the
Login to the bootstrap node and run the
This deletes the Tanzu Guest/Management Cluster, removes all Tanzu created AWS elements (e.g. Loadbalancer) and the EBS portworx cloud drives.
When finished logout of the bootstrap node and run terraform destroy -var-file .tfvars
When you use services consuming ELB the deletion of VPC might fail. Just delete ELB SGs manually and re-try terraform destroy -var-file .tfvars