ArduinoHumidor is a simple program that takes 30 measurements over a user defined timeframe and then trips a relay if the humidity is more than one percent below a user defined value. The relay will stay on until the humidity exceeds 1% above the target humidity.
###Hardware The sketch uses the DHT22 temperature and humidity sensor though other DHT sensors are supported by the same library. The display is a cheap .96" SSD1306 OLED display that is widely available on eBAy today in early 2015.
###Possible alterations Since this is designed to run in a retail store I do not have any mechanism for changing the target humidity on the unit but were I building one for home I would include butttons to adjust the target humidity. Right now the unit only works on relative humidity I may update it to take temperature into account.
Copyright Dan Todd License: GPL version 3
Libraries used by this project:
DHT-sensor-library by Adafruit available at
u8glib The Universal Graphics Library: available at