This is an application that uses the gosense library ( to discover and publish sensor information to HA via the HA MQTT Discovery mechanism ( or simply by configuring the sensor info in the HA config file (
The configuration file for the application. At least an empty file needs to be provided and it will be populated with default values.
- debuglevel The debug level for tracing info/debug [defaults to info if it is not set]
MQTT section
- clientid The MQTT clientID to use [defaults to "ha-gosenseapp-xxxxx" if it is not set]
- hostname The MQTT server to connect to. Empty disables MQTT [defaults to ""]
- user The MQTT username to use [defaults to "" is not set]
- password The MQTT username to use [defaults to "" is not set]
- port The MQTT port to use [defaults to 1883]
- discoveryTopic The MQTT-DISC for HA topic to use [defaults to "gosense_discovery" if it is not set]
- sensorTopic The MQTT clientID to use [defaults to "gosense" if it is not set]
Sample configuration file
clientid: goapp-001
hostname: localhost
user: ""
password: ""
port: 1883
sensorTopic: gosense
discoveryTopic: gosense_discovery
sensors: <== sensor data is discovered and updated from the dongle
name: 0444001
mac: 0444001
sensorType: 1
present: true
battery: "94"
signal: "40"
state: "0"
timeLastAlarm: "2019-07-06T00:20:09-07:00"
# Create a config file as above and then mount that file to /app.yaml :
sudo docker run -it --rm --net host -v /home/xxxx/gosenseapp/app.yaml:/app.yaml --privileged dariob/gosenseapp:latest
Raspberry PI
# Create a config file as above and then mount that file:
sudo docker run -it --rm --net host -v /home/pi/gosenseapp/app.yaml:/app.yaml --privileged dariob/gosenseapp-pi:latest
This is the MQTT structure for the default MQTT settings:
├── gosense-discovery
│ └── binary_sensor
│ └── 0444001
│ └── config
name: "PPPPP"
payload_on: "1"
payload_off: "0"
state_topic: "gosense/0444001"
value_template: "{{ }}"
json_attributes_topic: "gosense/0444001"
json_attributes_template: "{{ | tojson }}"
├── gosense
│ └── 0444002
name: 0444002
mac: 0444002
sensorType: 1
present: true
battery: '94'
signal: '40'
state: '1'
timeLastAlarm: '2019-07-06T00:20:09-07:00'
The application exposes a simple REST API on port 8080 to manipule the sense dongle and get "configuration ready" output to include in the HA conf file.
The endpoint should be: http://hostname:8080/xxx where xxx is as follows.
Routes exposed
/help Gets the list of exposed routes
./hasensors Enumerates the sensors attached to the dongle in HA conf format
- platform: mqttv
name: 0444001
unique_id: 0444001
payload_on: "1"
payload_off: "0"
state_topic: gosense/0444001
value_template: '{{ }}'
json_attributes_topic: gosense/0444001
json_attributes_template: '{{ | tojson }}'
- platform: mqtt
name: 0444002
unique_id: 0444002
payload_on: "1"
payload_off: "0"
state_topic: gosense/0444002
value_template: '{{ }}'
json_attributes_topic: gosense/0444002
json_attributes_template: '{{ | tojson }}'
- /sensors Enumerates the sensors attached to the dongle
- /sensors/:mac Get a sensor by its MAC address
- /sensors/scan Sets the dongle in attach mode for 30 seconds. You can pair a new device in that time. The info about the new device is the response.
- /sensors/:mac/remove Removes (unpairs) a sensor by MAC address
Create docker image:
cd cmd
env CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -o gosenseapp
cd ..
sudo docker build -t dariob/gosenseapp:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .
Run on Raspberry PI
Please notice the --privileged flag needs to be passed in order to be able to access the host device.
root@rasp1:/home/pi/gosenseapp# docker run -it --rm --net host -v /home/pi/gosenseapp/app.yaml:/app.yaml --privileged dariob/gosenseapp-pi:latest
Unable to find image 'dariob/gosenseapp-pi:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from dariob/gosenseapp-pi
13ee9c2f1d69: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:d2256eae3f6056dfd771c076b786b13de9a0c03375fd5499a64193f8f496747e
Status: Downloaded newer image for dariob/gosenseapp-pi:latest
ha-gosenseapp starting...
INFO[0000] Looking for sense dongle in /dev/hidraw*
INFO[0000] Found sense dongle in [/dev/hidraw2]
INFO[0000] NewWyzeSense: trying to open device: [/dev/hidraw2]
INFO[0000] LOG: time=14 Jul 19 01:04 +0000, data=��
INFO[0000] Starting echo REST API on port 8080
INFO[0000] Starting HA MQTT publisher to [tcp://]
INFO[0000] MQTT trying to connect to: [tcp://]
WARN[0000] MQTT sucessfully connected to: [tcp://]
INFO[0005] LOG: time=14 Jul 19 01:05 +0000, data=�77793E5A��
INFO[0005] ALARM: time=14 Jul 19 01:05 +0000, mac: 77793E5A, type: 1, battery: 97, signal: 91, state: 1, data=61000101000a5b
INFO[0005] ALARM: 77793E5A, state: 1
INFO[0008] LOG: time=14 Jul 19 01:05 +0000, data=�77793E5A�
INFO[0008] ALARM: time=14 Jul 19 01:05 +0000, mac: 77793E5A, type: 1, battery: 97, signal: 82, state: 0, data=61000100000b52
INFO[0008] ALARM: 77793E5A, state: 0
cd cmd
env GOARCH=arm GOARM=5 GOOS=linux go build -o gosenseapp
#scp gosenseapp rasp:~/gosenseapp
cd ..
sudo docker build -t dariob/gosenseapp-pi:latest -f docker/Dockerfile .