Linux bash shell auto build Android Project.
#Step1# #Generate Resource java code and packaged Resources# with the follow command:
aapt package -f -m -J ${genpath} -A ${assetpath} -S ${respath} -I ${android.jar} -M ${AndroidManifestpath}
#Step2# #Compile java source code# with the follow command:
javac -encoding ${encoding} -target ${jdkversion} -bootclasspath ${android.jar} -d ${}
#Step3# #Convert all .class files into dalvik format and create .dex file# with the follow command:
dx --dex --output=${outputdexpath} ${classespath}
#Step4# #Build package resources# with the follow command:
aapt package -f -M ${AndroidManifest.xml} -S ${packageresourcepath} -A ${assetpath} -I ${android.jar} -F ${AndroidManifest.res.asset->byreadreader}
#Step5# #Combine packaged resources and .dex file and save them into .apk file# with the follow command:
apkbuilder ${output.apk.file} -u -z ${packagedresource.file} -f ${dex.file} -rf ${source.dir} -rj ${libraries.dir}
#Step6# #Create the keystore# with the follow command:
keytool -genkey -alias release -keyalg RSA -validity 20000 -keystore release.keystore
#Step7# #Sign for apk# with the follow Command:
jarsigner -keystore ${keystore} -storepass ${keystore.password} -keypass ${keypass} -signedjar ${signed.apkfile} ${unsigned.apkfile} ${keyalias}
#NOTE:# #apkbuilder command is not found above android-11#