Scalaflow is a Scala DSL for Google's Cloud Dataflow's Java SDK.
Dataflow is a cool service but it's even cooler if we can write data pipelines and distributed data transformations in Scala with a fluent style:
object ScalaStyleWordCount extends App {
// pipeline definition
val options = PipelineOptionsFactory
val job = new DataflowJob(options)
// input
val input = job.text(options.getInput())
// transformations
val words = input.flatMap(line => line.split("[^a-zA-Z']+"))
val wordCounts = words.applyTransform(Count.perElement())
val results =
count => count.getKey + "\t" + count.getValue.toString)
// output
results.persist(options.getOutput(), Some("writeCounts"))
The Java version of this code can be found here. Compare them and make a judge yourself!
- a
abstraction similar to Spark's RDD - a
abstraction that wraps thePipeline
in Java SDK - a Scala side
for data type serialization and desrialization
- Integrate the KV data operations (groupByKey, Combine, Join etc.)
- More tests on
(port Java SDK's test) - Use Kryo for user class ser/deser
Feel free to share your ideas with me on this project: ju.han.felix at or @juhanlol on twitter.