180 dc assignment
The Employee Skill Inventory is a web application that allows users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on employee skills, employee name and skill level. This application features a user-friendly interface for managing employee skill data, backed by a backend service.
Tech Stack
➡️Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
➡️Backend: Spring Boot, Spring JPA
➡️Database: H2 Database (in-memory)
➡️Add Employee Skills: Create new records for employee skills.
➡️View Employee Skills: Display a list of all employee skills.
➡️Update Employee Skills: Modify existing records.
➡️Delete Employee Skills: Remove records from the system.
🏁 Getting Started 🔴 🟡 🟢
To get started with the Employee Skill Management System, follow the steps below:
1️⃣ Prerequisites
✅ Java JDK 11 or later
✅ Maven (for building the Spring Boot application)
✅ A web browser (for accessing the frontend)
2️⃣ Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/darshan1328/Darshan_231me213_Employee-Skill-Inventory
3️⃣ After cloning the repo, we can run the backend, in the respective ide
4️⃣Connect to database using the url given in terminal(http://localhost:8080/h2-console)
5️⃣ Open the index.html page on a browser and run the application
The application uses an H2 in-memory database by default, which is suitable for development and testing. For production use, you would need to configure a persistent database.
➡️ Database URL: would be shown in terminal
➡️ Username: sa
➡️ Password: (none)
💻 Frontend Structure 💻
index.html: Main entry point for the web application. Styles for the frontend. JavaScript for handling user interactions and API calls.
The css code and javascript code is combined in index.html file itself.
💻 User Interface 💻
🔗 Video Link 🔗